

Chaouen, Morocco, located in the northwest of Africa, is not just one among the many international friendship cities of Kunming, but also the only one in Africa.




Almost 37 years have passed since Kunming and Chaouen officially established sister city relations on May 14, 1985. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two sides have carried out exchange visits of senior leaders. Between 1985 and 1997, leaders from Kunming visited Chaouen several times along with their subordinates and were warmly received by the Kingdom of Morocco. During this period, Kunming also provided design suggestions for the construction of a comprehensive gymnasium in Chaouen. In addition, the vice speaker of the national assembly of the Kingdom of Morocco, members of the Political Bureau of the ruling party, and the chairman of Chaouen Municipal Committee, along with their subordinates, visited Kunming, Guangzhou, Xi'an, and Beijing in 1986. In 2012, during the National Friendship Association's Friendship Cities Conference, the director of Kunming's overseas Chinese office and the representatives of Chaouen present at the conference exchanged views on the relationship between the two cities.


1985年5月14日,昆明市与沙温市正式缔结友好城市关系,到今年已有37年。结谊以来,双方进行了高层互访交流:1985年至1997年,昆明市领导多次率团访问沙温市,受到摩洛哥王国的热情接待,其间昆明市还向沙温市要修建的综合体育馆提供了设计意见和建议;1986年,摩洛哥王国国民议会副议长、执政党政治局委员、沙温市政委员会主席率队访问了昆明、广州、西安、北京等地。 2012年,在全国友协召开的友城大会期间,昆明市外侨办主任约见了前来参会的沙温市代表,就两市友城关系交换意见。



Folk exchanges between Kunming and Chaouen have also increased gradually and through tourism and other means, the people of Kunming have developed a deeper understanding of Chaouen. The color blue is characteristic for both cities. Kunming's blue sky and white clouds make it a well-known livable city, while blue houses and buildings are a major feature of Chaouen, which have given it its nickname "the Blue Pearl". "After the Covid-19 epidemic, I'm going to visit this blue city," said Mr. Chen, a Kunming resident.


民间交往也逐步增强,通过旅游等方式,昆明人对这座远在非洲的城市有了更深的了解。蓝色,是两座城市共同的底色——蓝天白云的“昆明蓝”让昆明成为远近闻名的宜居城市;蓝色的房屋和建筑,则是沙温市的一大特色,让这座城市被誉为“最美蓝色小镇”。 “等疫情过后,想去探访这座蓝色的城市。”市民陈先生许下了自己的“沙温之约”。



The exchanges between the two countries have also promoted the friendly relations between the two cities. On behalf of the two governments, the deputy director of China's National Development and Reform Commission, Ning Jizhe, and the minister for foreign affairs of Morocco, Nasser Bourita, signed the Belt and Road Initiative between the government of People's Republic of China and the royal government of Morocco on January 5, 2022, making Morocco the first North African country to sign a joint plan of the Belt and Road Initiative with China. In the future, Kunming, as an essential city of the Belt and Road Initiative, will use the friendly relations between Morocco and China as a bridge to further deepen the exchanges, from non-governmental personnel to high-level leaders, so as to deepen the exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in economy, trade, tourism and culture.


国家间的交往也为民间交往提供了更多可能。 2022年1月5日,中国国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆与摩洛哥外交大臣布里达分别代表中摩两国政府签署《中华人民共和国政府与摩洛哥王国政府关于共同推进“一带一路”建设的合作规划》,摩洛哥成为北非地区首个与中国签署共建“一带一路”合作规划的国家。昆明市也是“一带一路”建设中的重要城市,未来,两座城市必将搭乘中摩关系的列车,进一步深化从民间到高层的交往,深化双方在经贸、旅游、文化等方面的交流与合作。



About Chaouen

Chaouen, located in the northwest of Morocco, is the capital of Chaouen Province. The town covers an area of 7.5 square kilometers and has a population of about 50,000. It is located about 40 kilometers from the Mediterranean coast and 120 kilometers from Tangier port.





Chaouen, located close to sea level, stretches quietly between the valleys of two hills, like a fictitious land of peace and happiness, free from the disaster of war.




The handicraft industry plays an important role in the economic development of Chaouen. There are many handicraft cooperatives in the small town, and the main products are goods from traditional handicrafts such as embroidery, carpet weaving, metal processing, leather products and wood carving. Chaouen has become a tourist attraction due to its proximity to the port city of Tangier and the Ceuta enclave of Spain. There are nearly 200 hotels in the town to receive the large influx of European tourists every summer. Blue houses and buildings are a major feature of Chaouen, where the land is fertile and the climate is mild and suitable for farming. It mainly produces wheat, barley, fruit, cork, and olives. Besides, fo restry and animal husbandry are relatively developed.


