China-Vietnam youth exchange symposium held in Kunming


On December 25, the Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries organized a China-Vietnam youth exchange symposium. Through special studies and exchanges and discussions, they deeply learned and understood the new positioning of the relationship between the two parties and countries in China and Vietnam, and worked together to inherit the friendship between China and Vietnam. The China-Vietnam community of shared future with strategic significance unites the power of youth.Nguyen Youshi, Deputy Consul General of Vietnam in Kunming, attended and delivered a speech. Peng Shaoyun, Secretary-General of the Provincial Friendship Association, attended the event, and Bi Shihong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of Yunnan University, gave a special lecture.Xu Sisi, deputy secretary of the Youth League Provincial Committee, presided over the meeting.
Ruan Youshi reviewed the great success and important historical significance of General Secretary and President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Vietnam, affirmed Yunnan’s efforts and achievements in friendly exchanges and exchanges between China and Vietnam, and called on the young generations of the two countries to Friendly people strive to be the inheritors of China-Vietnam friendship, promoters of friendly cooperation and builders of common development.Peng Shaoyun said that Yunnan, as the frontier province of China-Vietnam local cooperation, has continued to promote new progress in all-round cooperation between Yunnan and Vietnam by maintaining high-frequency exchanges with Lao Cai, Ha Giang, Laizhou and Dien Bien provinces in Vietnam. In the next step, it will continue to strengthen cooperation with the delegation. The Provincial Party Committee has cooperated in inheriting the friendship between China and Vietnam and jointly running youth foreign affairs projects to promote the youth of China and Vietnam to strive to become the frontrunners in the journey of China-Vietnam friendship.Xu Sisi comprehensively summarized the work results of strengthening exchanges with Vietnamese youth and consolidating and deepening the traditional friendship between China and Vietnam in recent years, and proposed that we should serve the national strategy as the starting point, undertake and run youth foreign affairs projects well; focus on telling Chinese stories, and widely disseminate the voice of China ; Take deepening youth friendship as the starting point, actively build a platform for cooperation and exchange, and strive to write a new chapter in Yunnan’s youth foreign affairs work.

By watching the video, the meeting reviewed the state visit of General Secretary and President Xi Jinping to Vietnam, further understood the great political and historical significance of China-Vietnam relations reaching a new height, and effectively enhanced the sense of responsibility and mission for implementation.The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to deeply understand and grasp the profound connotation of the new positioning of the relationship between the two parties and two countries in China and Vietnam, implement and study the spirit of the important speech with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on youth work, and promote the implementation of the results of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s visit to Vietnam involving Yunnan matters.

At the meeting, representatives of the Provincial Friendship Association, border county Youth League cadres, young entrepreneurs, Vietnamese students, Chinese students, and cadres of the Provincial Youth League Committee made exchange speeches.Bi Shihong gave a special lecture entitled "Building a Community of Shared Future between China and Vietnam and New Development of China-Vietnam Relations" to the participants.Members of the secretary team of the Youth League Provincial Committee, youth representatives from departments, bureaus, enterprises, universities, young entrepreneurs, representatives of Chinese and Vietnamese students in universities, and cadre and employee representatives of the Youth League Provincial Committee, the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, and the Provincial Friendship Association attended the meeting.