Pu'er River City: Writing a New Answer Sheet for National Unity, Prosperity and Enrichment of the Frontier and People


"Pu'er City must give full play to its advantages, find the right path, work hard and work hard, and strive to build it into a green economy demonstration area, a demonstration area for revitalizing the border and enriching the people, and an international eco-tourism resort." For a long time, Jiangcheng County of Pu'er City has always insisted on Leading the people in the frontier to a well-off society is the biggest political task and the most important livelihood project, give full play to the geographical advantages, ecological advantages, and ethnic advantages, and focus on "consolidating the border, strengthening the border, building the border, living the border, revitalizing the border, protecting the border, securing the border, and harmony." "Border" works hard to build a demonstration area for revitalizing the border and enriching the people. The whole county presents a good situation of economic development, social progress, border stability, national unity and people's happiness.

Party building leads cohesion to achieve "organizational solidity"< /span>

Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County is located in the southwestern border of the motherland, bordering Vietnam and Laos. The border is 183 kilometers long. It is known as "one city connects three countries" .

Jiangcheng County has always adhered to the leadership of party building and gathered joint efforts in border governance. The Jiangcheng County Party Committee conscientiously fulfills the main responsibility of governing the party and the party, strictly follows the collective team's "not letting go", the main leaders "not letting go", and the team members "not shrinking" to perform their duties, plant the "responsibility field" and guard the "main position" ", and continue to build a clean and upright political ecology. Through the implementation of the "Grassroots Party Building Promotion Year", "Grassroots Party Building Promotion Year", "Grassroots Party Building Consolidation Year", and "Grassroots Party Building Innovation and Quality Improvement Year", the construction of border grassroots party organizations will be solidly promoted.

"10,000 party members enter the party school" to achieve full coverage, the "two committees" of the village (community) are selected and equipped, and the village group activity venues are fully up to standard, 48 villages The collective economic income exceeded 50,000 yuan, the "double whole hundred thousand" four-level joint creation work was promoted on a regular basis, the standardized construction of grassroots party organizations fully met the standards, and the construction of party members continued to strengthen. Through the combination of "ideologically building the border, organizing the border, defending the border at the vanguard, enriching the people and rejuvenating the border, helping and strengthening the border, jointly building a stable border, and harmoniously securing the border", the three-dimensional prevention and control system for social security has basically been established. The "five-in-one" joint force to strengthen the border defense mechanism has been continuously improved, and various sabotage activities and illegal and criminal activities have been effectively prevented and combated.

Develop the strong foundation of the county economy and realize "enriching the people and strengthening the border"

Jiangcheng County always regards the development of the county economy as the primary focus, facing the arduous and arduous task of poverty alleviation, facing the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and facing locusts The severe test of disasters such as swarms, fall moth and other disasters has always adhered to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, adhered to the new development concept, adhered to the supply-side structural reform as the main line, seized opportunities, overcome difficulties, and coordinated the promotion of stable growth, Promote reform, adjust structure, benefit people's livelihood, prevent risks, maintain stability, and coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development.

Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the county's comprehensive strength has been significantly improved. An increase of 2.016 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 7.6%; total retail sales of social consumer goods reached 1.34 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 8.5%; local public financial budget expenditures reached 1.892 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 8.0%; urban and rural residents’ per capita disposable income respectively It is 31,953 yuan and 11,879 yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 7.6% and 9.5% respectively. The county's economic development continues to accelerate, people's livelihood and well-being continue to improve, reform and opening up continue to deepen, the ecological environment continues to improve, and the excellent situation of national unity and border stability has been further consolidated. The journey has laid a solid foundation.

Improve infrastructure and guarantee to achieve "strong foundation and edge building" ”

Jiangcheng County always adheres to the basics first, vigorously promotes the infrastructure construction in border areas, and promotes the economic and social development of border areas. Utilize national, provincial and municipal funds for infrastructure construction, minority development funds, special funds for rejuvenating the border and enriching the people, and special fiscal poverty alleviation funds to fully promote the construction of border road transportation, hydropower, energy, information and communication, and other infrastructure. Make great efforts to actively plan and promote the implementation of a number of major infrastructure projects that are related to the overall situation and long-term development.

Among them, a number of "outer-link" expressways such as Yanbian Expressway and Sijiang Expressway have entered the construction stage, "internal link" rural roads have achieved a historic leap, and road network construction has achieved Decisive progress; steadily promote the construction of medium (small) reservoirs and "five small" water conservancy facilities integrating agricultural irrigation, drinking water for humans and animals, and industrial water supply, improve urban and rural emergency drought-resistant drinking water facilities, and continuously improve water conservancy guarantee capabilities; upgrade urban and rural power grids, The quality of power supply has been comprehensively improved; in-depth implementation of the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation and the linking of urban and rural increase and decrease projects have achieved the win-win goal of improving the quality of cultivated land and increasing the government's efficiency and income; the construction of information technology such as optical fiber broadband has accelerated, and gradually entered the new era of 5G.

Jiangcheng County has solidly carried out the creation of "beautiful county", "national health county" and "seven special actions" for patriotic health. The infrastructure construction of the county has been gradually improved, and the functional layout has become more reasonable 1. The quality of cities has been improved in an all-round way, the living environment in urban and rural areas has been greatly improved, the rural infrastructure in border towns (towns) and border villages (communities) has been comprehensively improved, the appearance of villages has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the quality of life and happiness of the people have continued to improve.

Expand opening to the outside world and promote cooperation to achieve "openness and liveliness"

Jiangcheng County gives full play to the special location advantages of "one city connecting three countries", actively expands the fields and levels of opening up to the outside world, and makes good use of the Party Central Committee and the State Council Special preferential policies given to frontier ethnic areas, active service and integration into the country's "Belt and Road" construction, continuous strengthening of port infrastructure construction, brand activities such as "China-Laos-Vietnam Packet Lost Carnival" and "China-Laos-Vietnam Border Commodity Fair" With its increasing influence, it has become an important carrier to promote Jiangcheng's opening up to the outside world, and has accelerated exchanges and cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, culture, sports, tourism, education and other fields between China, Laos and Vietnam.

Vigorously promote the facilitation of customs clearance, expand import and export trade, and promote mutual trade among border residents. In 2020, the total foreign trade import and export volume will reach 1.136 billion yuan, an average annual growth rate of 32% during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. The expanded opening of the Mengkang Port has passed the national inspection and acceptance, and the Mengkang Port imported grain, fruit customs supervision sites, and pilot projects for the regional management of cross-border animal diseases have been advanced in an orderly manner. At present, the functions of Mengkang Port are more complete, and the level of customs clearance facilitation is constantly improving. In 2020, there will be 28,700 entry and exit personnel at Mengkang Port, and 34,400 tons of imported and exported goods. Conscientiously implement the principles and policies of the central government's diplomatic work, adhere to the principle of friendship and partnership with neighbors, adhere to amicable, secure and prosperous neighbors, highlight the concepts of affinity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, and give full play to the geographical proximity to Laos and Vietnam, With the advantages of close kinship, business ties, and cultural ties, we actively carry out exchanges and cooperation with the border provinces of Laos and Vietnam's neighboring countries, and use various bilateral cooperation mechanisms to form a new pattern of common development in the fields of politics, economy, culture, and society. .

Actively carry out the work of establishing friendly villages and friendly townships (towns) in the border areas between China and Laos and China and Vietnam. Qushui Town, Jiangcheng County, Qingtou Township and Lianshan Township, Mengnian County, Vietnam have established friendly townships (towns); Mengkang Village, Kangping Town, Jiangcheng County, Yuewu Village, Laos Yaowu County, and Niulohe Village, Menglie Town, Jiangcheng County have established friendship with Malitou Village, Yaowu County, Laos has become a friendly village. The conclusion of friendly villages and friendly townships (towns) in the China-Laos and China-Vietnam border areas has effectively maintained the harmony and stability of the border between the two countries, and laid a solid foundation for the creation of a friendly, harmonious, developed and prosperous border.

Thick planting of industry to increase stamina and realize "industrial prosperity"

Based on its resource advantages, Jiangcheng County always regards the development of industries as an important starting point for consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effective connection with rural revitalization, and regards the development of industries as a solid border An important support for the prosperity of border areas, consolidate and upgrade the seven leading industries including rice, corn, rubber, tea, coffee, sugar cane, and animal husbandry, develop and strengthen characteristic industries such as nuts, fruits, and biomedicine, and insist on entering villages and covering households. Continue to steadily promote the development of rural industries.

Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", a total of 1.425 billion yuan has been invested in supporting and benefiting farmers, 146 million yuan in agriculture-related subsidies, and 2.257 billion yuan in agriculture-supporting loans. In 2020, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery will be 2.23 billion yuan, an increase of 39.4% over the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". Cultivate 15 leading enterprises, consolidate and develop 222 farmers' professional cooperatives, and identify 47 family farms. 27 "Three Products and One Standard" certified agricultural products, 19,090 acres of certified organic tea gardens, and 2,218 acres of coffee gardens; the planting area of macadamia nuts exceeded 300,000 acres, and won the title of "Top Ten Famous Fruits" in Yunnan; the "Jiangcheng Yellow Cattle" geographical indication certification trademark was launched and released The local standard of "Jiangcheng Yellow Cattle Breeds" and a series of products have been continuously developed and put into the market. 43,000 mu of high-standard farmland has been built, and a provincial modern agricultural industrial park has been built; 1.1 million mu of plateau characteristic agricultural industrial bases have been built in the county, with an average per capita area of 12 mu. industrial base.

Strengthen ecological civilization and build homes to realize "ecological border protection"

Jiangcheng County continues to fight the tough battle of pollution prevention and control, demarcating high-pollution fuel combustion-free areas in urban areas, strict construction dust management, and eliminating coal-fired boilers below 10 steam tons and 245 yellow-labeled vehicles; in-depth implementation of the river (lake) chief system, shutting down 71 illegal sand mining sites, cleaning up 4,066 square meters of illegal breeding cages, and strictly implementing the pollution discharge permit system; reducing the amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and increasing efficiency. The comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid waste reached 100%.

Complete the delineation of ecological red lines and the second national survey of pollution sources. The protected area is 33.31 square kilometers, with a total of 37,000 mu of farmland converted to forest and grassland, 340,000 mu of artificial afforestation, 766,500 mu of ecological public welfare forest managed and protected, 1.32 million mu of natural forest protected, and 388 million yuan of ecological compensation paid. The rate reached 76.86%, and 3 provincial-level ecological townships (towns) and 3 "forest villages" were successfully created, becoming the first batch of pilot counties in the country to build national forest health care bases.

Weave dense border prevention and control network to achieve "harmony" Anbian”

Reform is the driving force, development is the goal, and stability is the premise. Jiangcheng County has always regarded the maintenance of stability and safety of the border as an important task, and has done a lot of fruitful work in the areas of national unity, safe construction, strong border defense, etc. , has made positive contributions to promoting the county's economic and social development and social harmony and stability.

Based on the actual situation, give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations in defending the soil and strengthening the border, deepen the establishment of the "Love the People and Strengthen the Border" project, and use the model village of "Love the People and Strengthen the Border" as a carrier to promote the border "military and civilian The creation activity of "co-construction, loving the people and strengthening the border" has expanded the results of "co-construction by the police and localities", and vigorously promoted the experience and practices of "joint defense, joint control" and "joint contracting and joint protection". The party organizations of the police and localities resonated at the same frequency to ensure border security. During the COVID-19 epidemic, we will resolutely build a border epidemic defense line, increase material reserves and security; accelerate the construction of physical and technical defense facilities such as physical isolation facilities, emergency isolation points, temporary control points, medical observation isolation points, and "smart borders" ; Do a good job of vaccination against the new crown virus in an orderly manner, carry out emergency drills, and improve emergency response capabilities; improve the new era of party, government, military, police and civilian joint efforts to strengthen the border defense mechanism, give full play to the role of grid management, and strictly crack down on cross-border crimes to ensure that the epidemic Prevention and control is strong, orderly and effective. Do a good job in resolving conflicts, implement safety production responsibilities, strengthen supervision in key areas such as transportation, fire protection, food and drug safety, and comprehensively improve emergency response capabilities. Fight the people's war against drugs and AIDS. Strengthen the organization, cooperate internally and externally, comprehensively publicize, investigate and rectify, comprehensively combat and rectify social security issues that the people strongly report, effectively crack down on and deter crimes committed by gangsters and evil forces, effectively eradicate the breeding grounds of gangsters and evil forces, and effectively enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness A sense of security.

National unity aspirations to the party to achieve "unity and border harmony"

Jiangcheng County has always regarded maintaining national unity and realizing frontier stability as its unshirkable responsibility. Always adhere to the main line of "building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community", in accordance with the general requirements of human culture, materialization, and popularization, vigorously promote the spirit of the Pu'er National Unity Pledge Monument, highlight the unity and harmony of the border areas of "one city connecting three countries", and carry out in-depth development of national unity and progress Create jobs.

Efforts should be made to strengthen organizational guarantees, policy support, and project support, and work together to do a good job in economic development, guarantee and improvement of people's livelihood, ecological civilization construction, prosperity of ethnic culture, and minority cadres The establishment work such as cultivating and managing religious affairs according to law has effectively promoted the development and progress of the economy and society in ethnic minority areas, maintained the harmony and stability of the frontier, and created a good situation on the border where the ethnic groups live in harmony, help each other, and develop harmoniously. Ethnic unity as one family, mutual help and mutual progress, and prosperity and stability on the front line of the border are new answers to the prosperity of the border and the prosperity of the people.