The Provincial Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries released the "Yunnan · There is a kind of friend called a sister city" international communication project at the opening ceremony of the "One River Love, One Family" international cultural exchange series of activities in the new era


 European and American work department Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 2023-05-31 19:52 Published onYunnan

"There is a Life Called Yunnan" International Humanities Exchange Activity Launched

On May 31, 2023, the opening ceremony of the new era "One River Love, One Family" international cultural exchange series will be held in Kunming.Zeng Yan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Director of Propaganda, announced the opening of the event. Somsavat Lingsawa, former Deputy Prime Minister of Laos, Yang Jinquan, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand and Chairman of the Council of Nakhon Phanom University in Thailand, and Central Propaganda of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Vice Minister of Ministry and Chief Editor-in-Chief of People's Daily, Wansai Davinya, State Secretary of the Cambodian Ministry of Information Sok Chanpagdi, and State Secretary of the Cambodian Ministry of Information Qing Lian attended and delivered speeches.Wang Yu, full-time vice president of the Yunnan People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, attended the opening ceremony and jointly launched the "There is a Life Called Yunnan" international cultural exchange event with Chinese and foreign guests, and released the "Yunnan · There is a Friends Called Sister City" international communication project.

Zeng Yan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda of the Provincial Party Committee, announced the opening

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Laos Somsavat Lingsawa delivered a speech (Figure 1)

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Chairman of the Council of Nakhon Phanom University, Thailand

Yang Jinquan delivered a speech (picture 2)

Sok Champagdi, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Information of Cambodia, delivered a speech (Figure 3)

Wang Yu said at the release ceremony that the Provincial Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is committed to making international friendship cities an important platform and window for local opening-up. We will promote brand projects such as the "Longevity" people's livelihood project, promote exchanges and cooperation between Yunnan Province and local governments of Lancang-Mekong countries, and promote the realization of resource sharing, complementary advantages, and win-win cooperation.On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road" initiative, the Provincial Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the International Communication Center of South Asia and Southeast Asia in Yunnan Province have jointly created the "Yunnan·There is a kind of friend called a sister city" international communication project, telling stories through 20 pairs of sister cities The Yunnan chapter of the Chinese story of friendship between sister cities and continuous cooperation.

"Yunnan · There is a kind of friend called sister city" international communication project released