[Yunnan·There is a kind of friend called sister city] Yunnan Province and Sarawak, Malaysia—the treasure ship Shi Huacai sets sail again


[Yunnan·There is a kind of friend called sister city] Yunnan Province and Sarawak, Malaysia——The treasure ship Shi Huacai sets sail again

Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 2023-09-23 00:00 Published onYunnan

600 years ago, Zheng He, a Chinese navigator who was born in Yunnan, led the world's largest fleet to sail to the sea, ushering in a new era in the history of world navigation.In the new era, the long-lasting friendship created by Zheng He continues a new chapter in the international sister city cooperation.On August 25, 2014, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, Zheng He’s hometown, and Kuching South City, Sarawak, Malaysia, established sister cities.On March 21, 2017, Yunnan Province and Sarawak State, Dali State and Kuching North City respectively established sister city relationships.Using the sister city as a platform, the two sides have continued to deepen and solidify their exchanges and cooperation in high-level exchanges, economy and trade, humanities, education, tourism and other fields.

Today, let us follow the footsteps of the navigator Zheng He and review the indissoluble bond between Yunnan Province and Sarawak State.

[Business Card of Sister Cities]

Sarawak, Malaysia——

Sarawak, Malaysia scenery

Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia and is known as the "Land of Hornbills". Its capital is Kuching, the "Cat City".Shazhou has a population of approximately 2.9 million and an area of ​​124,495 square kilometers, accounting for 37.5% of the country's total area.Sarawak is rich in natural resources and is the country's largest pepper exporter and oil palm producer, as well as one of the world's largest tropical hardwood exporters.

Yunnan Province——

Fuxian Lake, Yunnan Province

Yunnan is located in southwest China, with a total area of ​​394,000 square kilometers and a total population of 47 million. It borders Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar. It has a long history and culture and beautiful natural scenery. It is known as the "Kingdom of Plants" and "The Kingdom of Animals" "Garden of the World" is China's radiation center for South Asia and Southeast Asia.

The treasure ship Shi Huacai sets sail again

"A beautiful shield hangs diagonally on the equator." Malaysian poet Wu An described Sarawak's beauty, richness and outstanding people.Six centuries ago, the navigator Zheng He, who was born in Yunnan, shouldered the special mission of "sharing the blessings of peace for the whole world". He made seven voyages to the Western Ocean, covering a voyage of more than 100,000 miles, and visited Malaysia as many as five times.Today, when walking in Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, you can still see the local people's admiration and love for Zheng He everywhere.The statue of Zheng He in the "Malaysia-China Friendship Park" in Kuching, Sarawak

The statue of Zheng He in the "Malaysia-China Friendship Park" in Kuching, Sarawak

There is a wide and busy main road in the center of Kuching with palm trees called "Admiral Zheng He Road".This road was named by the Sarawak state government to commemorate this pioneer of friendship between China and Malaysia.Strolling to Sang Road, Kuching City, a 2.8-hectare park comes into view. This is the "Malaysia-China Friendship Park" completed in May 2006. The statue of Zheng He standing in the park has become a symbol of the traditional friendship between China and Malaysia. .A Chinese-style archway engraved with the word "Jinbi" at the entrance of the park is particularly eye-catching, attracting an endless stream of citizens and friends who come to check in.This archway built in Kunming City, Yunnan Province shines brightly in the sun, witnessing the eternal friendship between Zheng He’s hometown of Yunnan Province and the Malaysian state of Sarawak.

"Malaysia-China Friendship Park" archway in Kuching, Sarawak

“Malaysia-China Friendship Park” Friendship Globe in Kuching, Sarawak

The 600-year friendship continues to this day. With the cooperation between sister cities as a medium, the friendship between Yunnan Province and Sarawak has created broader opportunities for both parties to enhance understanding, join hands in development, and achieve common prosperity.With the help of important platforms such as the China-South Asia Expo and the China-South Asia Mayors Forum, the state governments and business circles of the two provinces gather regularly. The Sarawak delegation visited Kunming and Dali several times to promote investment, share opportunities and seek common ground. develop.While continuing to expand the scale of economic and trade investment between the two sides, the two provinces and states have maintained dialogue and exchanges in the fields of plateau characteristic agriculture, food processing, agricultural and forestry science and technology, research and development of traditional Chinese medicine, smart cities, cross-border tourism, sustainable development and other fields. Learn from each other and work together on the road.

In June 2018, the Sarawak delegation participated in the 5th China International Expo.

In June 2019, Sarawak Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Sim Guixian Shah attended the 2019 Trade Fair and delivered a speech at the China-South Asia Mayors Forum.

Under the framework of sister-city cooperation, educational cooperation and people-to-people exchanges have gone hand in hand, and the traditional friendship between the two provinces and states has taken on new vitality.In March 2017, Yunnan University and the University of Sarawak signed a memorandum of cooperation to carry out all-round inter-school cooperation and identified biology, ethnology, information and communication engineering and other disciplines as the main academic cooperation areas.In 2018, Kunming University of Science and Technology established the "China-Malaysia Green and Sustainable Development International Technology Transfer Center" at the University of Technology Sarawak, Malaysia, to actively carry out joint scientific research and international collaborative innovation.Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming Medical University, Yunnan Communications Vocational and Technical College, Yunnan Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College and other universities have given full play to their respective advantages, and have in-depth cooperation with counterpart universities in agricultural scientific research cooperation, medical education, automobile industry and other fields to carry out academic seminars and Chinese education , overseas training base construction, technical training, teacher-student exchange visits and other projects to promote the transformation of academic research results into a powerful driving force for common development.

In March 2017, Yunnan University and the University of Sarawak jointly planted cedar trees symbolizing friendship.

In March 2017, Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Hamid, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sarawak State Library, visited the Yunnan Provincial Library to experience a 3D printer.

Young people are also an important force in the ongoing friendship between the two provinces and states.Since 2017, Yunnan University and the University of Sarawak have carried out many mutual visits and exchanges.Young people from Yunnan visited sister cities, participated in classroom interactions, worked with local teachers and students to renovate university libraries, went to grassroots communities to carry out volunteer services, went to rural schools and homestays to experience Sarawak's diverse and inclusive national culture, and even hiked in the Sarawak rainforest. Experience the local biodiversity.When parting, the young people from both sides hugged each other tightly and said goodbye with tears. The Yunnan youth danced the enthusiastic Miao dance, leaving the songs and smiles in the hearts of the Sarawakian youth forever.

In August 2017, teachers and students of Yunnan University interacted with children in a rural primary school in Sarawak.

In 2018, teachers and students from the University of Malaysia Sarawak painted with Chinese children in Kunming.

In March 2018, teachers and students from the University of Malaysia Sarawak visited Yunnan for visits and exchanges.

In July 2018, students from Yunnan University participated in a class discussion at the University of Sarawak.

In July 2018, young students from Yunnan University went to the University of Sarawak for exchange.

In July 2019, young people from Yunnan went to the University of Sarawak, Malaysia for exchange and study during the "Understanding the World and Understanding China" activity.

Only by communicating with our hearts can we achieve lasting results.Along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, Yunnan Province and Sarawak State are following in the footsteps of Zheng He, raising high the sails of friendship and setting sail towards a better future.

In July 2015, Kunming National Song and Dance Theater was invited to Kuching to participate in the city's anniversary performance.

In November 2017, Kuching South Mayor Zeng Changqing delivered a speech at the Kunming International Sister Cities Tourism Cooperation Conference.

In February 2017, the Sarawak Industrial Development, Investment and Trade Delegation visited Dali Prefecture.

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In May, Sarawak pharmaceutical companies visited Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and reached a consensus on exchanges and cooperation between the two parties.In June, the then Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sarawak State Library, Tan Sri Hamid Bugolaikun, participated in the 3rd China-South Asia Expo.


In February, a delegation from Sarawak visited Yunnan and inspected Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming National High-tech Development Zone and Dali Economic and Technological Development Zone.


In June, Yunnan Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College signed a cooperation agreement with the Malaysian International Cultural Exchange Center to recruit 10 international students from Malaysia every year.In October, Kunming Medical University Haiyuan College and the Islamic University of Science Malaysia held the first medical education academic seminar between the two schools.


In June, the Sarawak delegation attended the 2019 South Asia and Southeast Asia Countries Commodity Exhibition and Investment and Trade Fair and the Second China-South Asia Cooperation Forum.


In March, Sarawak donated a batch of medical protective clothing and medical gloves to Yunnan to support Yunnan's fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.In May, Yunnan Province donated a batch of medical surgical masks and N95 masks to Sarawak.