The Provincial Party Committee’s Foreign Affairs Work Conference and the Provincial Party Committee’s Foreign Affairs Work Committee’s plenary session emphasized: in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy to make Yunnan’s contribution to building a community with a shared future for neighboring countries


The Provincial Party Committee’s Foreign Affairs Work Conference and the Provincial Party Committee’s Foreign Affairs Work Committee plenary meeting emphasizedIn-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on DiplomacyMake Yunnan’s contribution to building a community with a shared future for surrounding areasWang Ning hosted and delivered a speech, Wang Yubo and Shi Yugang attended

On February 2, the Provincial Party Committee’s Foreign Affairs Work Conference and the Provincial Party Committee’s Foreign Affairs Work Committee’s plenary meeting were held in Kunming to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, implement the deployment of the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference, summarize the province’s foreign affairs work in 2023, and arrange for the next step of work .

ProvinceWang Ning, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.Wang Yubo, governor of the province and deputy director of the committee, and Shi Yugang, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and deputy director of the committee, attended the meeting.

On February 2, the Provincial Committee’s Foreign Affairs Work Conference and the Provincial Committee’s Foreign Affairs Work Committee plenary meeting were held in Kunming

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference and relevant central documents, reviewed relevant documents of our province, and listened to reports on the province’s external work.The meeting pointed out that in the past year, the province's foreign affairs work was solid and effective, highlighting highlights and features, serving overall diplomacy effectively and effectively, foreign-related activities were fruitful, people-to-people diplomacy was remarkable, and the party's management of foreign affairs was comprehensively strengthened.

Wang Ning presided over the meeting and delivered a speech

The meeting emphasized  

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, we must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission in doing a good job in foreign affairs, and focus on promoting the construction of a destiny for mankind. The main line of community is to actively serve major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, closely adhere to the construction of "three positionings", anchor the "3815" strategic development goals, accurately grasp the overall situation and trends, give full play to regional advantages, and become richer with a more proactive historical responsibility. Carry out external work with a dynamic creative spirit, promote new progress in the construction of my country's radiation center for South Asia and Southeast Asia, and make Yunnan's contribution to building a community with a shared future for neighboring countries.
The meeting emphasized  

It is necessary to promote people-to-people bonds, do a good job in people-to-people diplomacy, carry out in-depth exchanges of visits and exchanges like visiting relatives, deepen exchanges between local governments, people and young people, and create a broad circle of friends.It is necessary to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, continue to deepen economic, trade, industrial cooperation and platform carrier construction, vigorously develop port economy, and accelerate the development of cross-border trade, cross-border logistics, cross-border e-commerce, and cross-border tourism.It is necessary to expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges, carry out extensive exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture, tourism, education, media and other fields, promote international development cooperation, implement "small but beautiful" projects, strengthen international communication capacity building, and tell Chinese stories and Yunnan stories well.It is necessary to strengthen interconnection, accelerate the "hard connectivity" of infrastructure and the "soft connectivity" of rules and standards, and comprehensively improve the level of development and opening up.It is necessary to prevent risks, coordinate development and security, and build a strong barrier for security and stability in the southwest of the motherland.

meeting requirements  

It is necessary to uphold and strengthen the party's overall leadership, consolidate the party's main responsibility for managing foreign affairs, improve the party's working mechanism for managing foreign affairs, form a large coordinated work pattern, and do a solid job in the province's external work in the new era.

Liu Hongjian, Qiu Jiang, Li Shisong, Zeng Yan, Yang Bin, Wang Hao, Liu Yong and Sun Can attended the meeting.Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, relevant provincial departments and units, and responsible comrades from states (cities) and border counties (cities) attended the event.