Ou Jianhong, Ambassador to El Salvador, accepts an exclusive interview with El Salvador's official media "El Salvador Daily" on China's aid to the National Library of El Salvador project


 Recently, Ou Jianhong, Ambassador to El Salvador, made a speech on China's aid to the National Library of El Salvador project Accepted an exclusive interview with Salvador's official media "Journal of El Salvador". On October 25, 2021, the newspaper published the full-page interview, the full text of which is as follows:

   1. What is the relationship between the cultural exchanges between El Salvador and China and the construction of the National Library? Does this mean the start of a closer collaboration?

   Cultural exchanges are fundamental to enhancing mutual understanding between the Chinese and Samoan peoples and deepening the everlasting friendship between the two countries. As one of the key projects of China's state aid to El Salvador, the new national map not only reflects China's strong support for the people's livelihood and cultural undertakings in El Salvador, but also provides an important platform for cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and El Salvador.

   The people know each other well, and the desire to enhance friendship and mutual understanding is increasingly strong, and bilateral exchanges in the field of people-to-people and cultural exchanges are in the ascendant. The Chinese Tianjin Folk Orchestra and the Shenzhen Art Troupe have successively visited Samarra. The Chinese Film Week, Zhejiang Province Arts and Culture Month, Shenzhen Concerts, Chinese Ballet Performances, etc. have been held successively in Sabah, bringing Chinese excellent cultural feasts to the people of Sabah. The Confucius Institute was established at the University of El Salvador, and the Chinese language and culture courses attracted a large number of people to participate enthusiastically, setting off a Chinese craze in El Salvador. The Chinese government provides 45 scholarships to Samoa every year, and a total of 150 young talents from Samoa have been given the opportunity to study in China and become ambassadors of friendship between the youth of the two countries.

  I believe that with the completion of the National Library , Bilateral people-to-people and cultural exchanges and cooperation will surely stand on a new starting point, the mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of the two countries will be deepened, and China-Samoa relations will also rise to a higher level and achieve greater development.

  Second, consider the architecture of the National Library project In terms of size, is it the largest in Central America or even Latin America?

   One of the largest projects aided by China in Sabah, it is believed that it will also become one of the most modern and technological libraries in Latin America. After its completion, its total construction area will reach 24,000 square meters, and its designed comprehensive collection will reach 20,000 volumes. American landmarks. The new national map project is one of the series of visit achievements jointly announced by President Booker and President Xi Jinping during his visit to China. It carries the ardent hopes of the two heads of state and the profound friendship between the two peoples. Become a monument to remember the friendship between China and Samoa.

   3. Who is the designer of the National Library project By? Why draw inspiration from marine and volcanic elements?

   (CSADI) design, it looks like an open book, a majestic volcano, and a butterfly about to fly. It not only shows a sense of modern fashion, but also retains a sense of history, complementing the surrounding traditional buildings. complement each other. Sa is a bright pearl on the Pacific coast and a world-famous volcanic country. The history here is long, the people here are hardworking and brave, and the beautiful scenery here is colorful. The Chinese design team drew inspiration from the above elements and used smooth design The language shows the lightness of the waves, the tenacity of the reef, and the majesty of the volcano. It shows the world the image of the country with outstanding people and the national integrity of unity and freedom.

   Fourth, the project is beneficial to the people of El Salvador and Salvador What's the benefit?

   "Books are the ladder of human progress", new The national map will become a brand-new place for the people of Samoa to carry history, inherit culture, cultivate sentiments, and relax. Can watch performances, exchange academics, entertain and relax. More importantly, the new national map has become a bridge for young people in Sasha to go to the future, a source of knowledge, and a resort for fun. In the 21st century with the explosion of information and the rapid development of science and technology, the people of Sarawak who pursue prosperity and strength deserve to have a modern library, which will give the wings of dreams to the country's take-off and national progress.

   Fifth, the project will have Which technologies, and which of them are user service oriented?

   "Architecture is solidified art", as we all know, China's construction industry is already at the leading level in the world. In the design and construction of the new national map, China will use the latest concepts in design, construction, humanities and environmental protection, so that the people of Samoa can have a better and more comfortable experience. The Ru Xin National Library adopts a steel structure to ensure its solidity and safety. The shading design of the exterior facade can prevent direct sunlight and save energy. The interior uses central air conditioning and partitioned lighting systems to create a comfortable indoor environment. In addition to the architectural level, the new library will also have more technological content in terms of function. I believe that after the completion of the new national map, everyone will have more surprises and see more high-tech and humanistic factors.

   VI. China's aid of this nature and scale What other countries have benefited from the project?

   Provide assistance within its capacity to other developing countries under the cooperation framework. The China-aided Sabah National Map project is a free aid, that is, the Chinese side is responsible for the survey, design, and construction of the project. After the project is completed, it will be completely handed over to the host country. China's aid to Sala Libertad Wharf, National Stadium, Ilopango water supply and other projects are all free aid projects from China. These projects all focus on the well-being of the people of Sarawak, not only for the present, but also for future generations.

  From 2013 to 2018, China’s 122 countries and 20 international and regional multilateral organizations in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Oceania and Europe have provided assistance, including complete sets of assistance in the fields of social public facilities, economic infrastructure, agriculture, industry, and climate change. 423 construction projects. Relevant projects have made great contributions to creating local employment opportunities, improving infrastructure, stimulating economic growth, and promoting social and people's livelihood.