

Sugat is from Sri Lanka, the "Kingdom of Jewels", and graduated from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka with a bachelor's degree in economics And a master's degree in mass media. Before entering Yunnan University, he worked as a reporter in Sri Lanka and China. He has worked in electronics, print media and new media for more than 20 years. Sugat, who is very keen on writing, once wrote for China Daily, "Yunnan Daily" and newspapers in Sri Lanka have written articles on various topics, and in the international story competition on the theme of "I, China and the 14th Five-Year Plan" jointly organized by "China Daily" and Bank of China, more than 200 foreign experts were selected Stand out among international students and get second place.

   Speaking of the fate with Yunnan, Sugat said that in 2017, it was also I came to Kunming because of my profession as a reporter, and participated in the interview and report of the South Asian and Southeast Asian Countries Commodities Exhibition and Investment and Trade Fair. During this work, in addition to Kunming, Sugat also visited and visited several cities around Kunming. Since then, he has fallen in love with Yunnan.

  Sinhala is the main official language of Sri Lanka The Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family was formed around the 5th century BC. Sri Lanka is a tropical island country located in South Asia. It is also a famous Buddhist country with a history of 2,500 years of civilization. It has been in contact with China since the 1st century AD. It is a traditional friendly country with China. The two countries have established a stable and close economic, trade and cultural relationship. connect.

   At Yunnan University, students majoring in Sinhala will receive guidance from Sugat as soon as they enroll. It is very beneficial in all aspects; his teaching starts with lively and interesting cartoons, and the students learn the dialogues and songs in them, so as to promote students to further learn the language on the basis of understanding Sri Lankan culture and customs.

   As one of the official languages of Sri Lanka, Sinhala is used in daily life and It is frequently used in government affairs; and English is a common language in Sri Lanka, especially in economic activities. Therefore, the training concept of "Sinhala + English" aims to train students into talents who can be competent for relevant work in the target country in this dual language environment of Sinhala and English.

  The School of Foreign Languages, Yunnan University specially selected three students who had studied in famous universities in Sri Lanka Chinese teachers have become working partners with Sugat. Their profound professional knowledge and rich subject background make the exchange and communication between them and Sugat very smooth. The opening of the Sinhala language major has been well received by the school and The leaders of the college attached great importance to it, provided a Sinhala language activity room, a language room, and also provided special funds for professional construction. The talent policy, financial support, medical insurance and visa facilitation provided to foreign teachers made Sugat feel efficient and convenient.

   Sugat said that the 26 ethnic groups in Yunnan live together, there is no dispute, only harmony and communion, which is a national unity all over the world As an example, Yunnan also has many unforgettable places for him. Kunming, Dali, and Xishuangbanna all have their own unique charms; Dianchi Lake, Xishan, Stone Forest, and Yunnan Ethnic Villages are all his favorite tourist attractions. Yunnan cuisine, which is always a little spicy, always reminds him of the taste of his hometown in Sri Lanka, pineapple rice, steam pot chicken, street barbecue, wild mushroom hot pot... During his time in Yunnan, he fell in love with the warm sunshine all year round The beautiful weather, the strong ethnic customs, and the people's favorite food here have made Sugat's love for this land even deeper.

  Sugat plans to open a Sinhala bookstore at Yunnan University In the library, the language and knowledge learned in the classroom can be confirmed in books; at the same time, a series of activities will be planned to promote students' understanding of Sri Lankan culture and promote Sino-Sri Lankan exchanges.

   With the implementation of the country's "Belt and Road" construction, the business and trade between China and Sri Lanka Cultural activities and exchanges are becoming more and more frequent. Sugat hoped that the students he trained would be qualified for the translation work between Sri Lanka and China, build a bridge of friendship between the two countries with language, continue the friendly relationship between China and Sri Lanka since ancient times, and let the tree of friendship take root Leafy and thriving.

   Standing at the intersection of history and the future, the construction of the "Belt and Road" carries the desire of the Chinese and Sri Lankan people for cultural exchanges and the expectation for peaceful development, full of vitality!