China Post's Road to Revival Post Office Helps 2022 China Import Expo International Cultural Exchange Activities


The 1st International Cultural Exchange Forum of the 5th China International Import Expo 2022 was successfully held in Shanghai on November 9, 2022. Hosted by the Foundation. The theme post office of China Post's road to revival was invited to participate in the exhibition theme of "inheriting red genes and spreading red culture".

The forum invites leaders, experts, and scholars from related fields at home and abroad to discuss the development of culture and art in the new era, discuss cultural self-confidence, integrity and innovation, actively carry out international cultural exchanges, and let the world share Chinese culture charm.

Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times. This dream embodies the long-cherished wish of several generations of Chinese people, embodies the overall interests of the Chinese nation and Chinese people, and is the common expectation of every son and daughter of the Chinese nation. The "Road to Revival" theme post office closely revolves around the main line of red culture, relying on the dissemination of local characteristic red culture, and continuously launches red tourism cultural and creative products. On July 28, 2017, Nanchang Branch of China Post Group Co., Ltd. first opened the first "Road to Revival" themed post office at the August 1st Uprising Memorial Hall in Nanchang. Once launched, it was well received by the general public. After nearly 6 years of operation, it has achieved good social benefits. On July 1, 2018, the Jinggangshan "Road to Revival" themed post office also settled in the former residence of Chairman Mao in Ciping and opened for operation.

The Road to Revival theme post office specially issued commemorative envelopes and commemorative stamps for the first International Cultural Exchange Forum of China Import Expo. The blue commemorative stamps show the cultural connotation of inclusiveness and sharing.

In order to show China's unique red culture and traditional Chinese culture, the post office with the theme of the road to revival has specially launched "Chinese and Foreign Cultural Treasures Jointly Issued Stamp Encyclopedia"< /strong>Stamp products such as "Double Olympics China · Beijing Double Olympics Stamps, Coins and Banknotes Collection", "Glorious History", "Zodiac King of Posts" and other philatelic products; ancient glass crystal ornaments "Jinggang Mountain-The Banner of Victory", national intangible cultural heritage filigree cloisonne Some cultural and creative products such as "Tengwang Pavilion", "Chinese National Treasures and Famous Paintings", "Chinese Ancient Coins" and other cultural and creative products have demonstrated to the world China's rich philatelic culture, the exquisite traditional skills of Chinese craftsmanship, the classic charm of Chinese national treasures handed down from generation to generation, and Chinese history. It has a long history and profound knowledge. (Chen Jian)