"My Story and China" Call for Essays


The relationship between countries lies in the people-to-people friendship, the foundation of relations between countries lies in the people, and the source of strength lies in people-to-people friendship.Starting from now, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the People's Daily will jointly organize the "My Story of China" essay competition, inviting friends from all over the world to share their beautiful memories with China and the Chinese people.

The essay submissions should describe experiences in China or stories of exchanges with Chinese friends.The work should strive to have vivid and accurate facts and concise and fluent diction.The essay submissions must be original articles that have not been published, published, or posted on the Internet.It can be in Chinese or other languages. Other languages ​​must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation.The length of the submitted works in Chinese or translated into Chinese shall not exceed 3,000 words; the length in English shall not exceed 2,500 words; for other languages, the length shall refer to the number of translated Chinese words.You are welcome to attach photos, videos and other materials when submitting.

Please send essay submissions via email to meandchina@peopledaily.cn, and indicate "My Story of China Essay Collection" in the subject of the email and include a contact number.The deadline for submissions is May 25, 2024.We will compile and publish the best submissions. The Chinese version will be published in the "My Story of China" column of People's Daily, and the English version will be published on the English channel of People's Daily Online and the English client of People's Daily.All published works will be paid royalties.After the essay collection is over, we will select a number of outstanding candidates and issue certificates and prizes.

English version of this call for papers: Call for submissions: Share your stories about China


Other language links:

德文:Share your stories about China


Japanese: Announcement of essay recruitment for “The Story of Me and China”


法文:Share your stories about China!


西班牙文:New call to share your stories about China


阿拉伯文:Write to us... Share your story with China and the Chinese


Korean: ‘The Story of Me and China’ Contest


葡萄牙文:Registration period: Share your stories about China


马来语:Holiday: Share Your China Story


俄文:Information on accepting applications for participation in the written work project “Me and China”


意大利文:Enrollment open: share your stories about China


哈萨克文:Notice of accepting the work "My story about China".


斯瓦西里文:We welcome articles: Tell us your stories about China


泰文:Share your stories about China.




Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

People's Daily

February 29, 2024