Chen Hao met with Yihua Group Chairman Johanan Locke and his party


On the afternoon of the 23rd, Governor Chen Hao met with Johanan Locke, Chairman of Israel Chemical Group, in Kunming.

Chen Hao makes an appointment Hanan Locke and his party visited Yunnan and expressed welcome and thanks for promoting cooperation between the two sides. He said that in July this year, I led a Yunnan provincial government delegation to visit Israel and attended the 2nd Yunnan-Israel Innovation Cooperation Forum held in Tel Aviv. Under the meticulous promotion of Yihua Group, the Israeli government departments and enterprises actively supported and participated, and the forum was a complete success. The two parties signed more than 10 multi-field cooperation projects covering biomedicine, modern agriculture, medical equipment, water resource utilization and information technology. , which greatly boosted the further development of Yunnan-Israel cooperation. Israel is a country of innovation. In recent years, the fields of cooperation between Yuntianhua Group and Yihua Group have been continuously expanded, and new achievements have been continuously launched. We hope to use this as a model to demonstrate and lead Yunnan-Israel exchanges and cooperation in an all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging manner. The Yunnan Provincial Government actively promotes Yunnan-Israel cooperation and is willing to provide strong guarantees and services for the development of Israeli companies such as Yihua Group in Yunnan.

Yohanan Locke and others deeply reviewed the profound friendship between Israel and China during World War II, and introduced the new technology and progress of the cooperation between Yihua Group and Yuntianhua Group. They said that there is huge potential for cooperation between Israel and Yunnan, and they will actively consolidate the results of the 2nd Yunnan-Israel Innovation Cooperation Forum, and promote cooperation between Israel and Yunnan in more fields such as tourism culture, agricultural training, medical and health care, and food and consumer product industry research and development.

Secretary of the Provincial Government Chairman He Jinping, Consul General of Israel in Chengdu Lan Tianming, and Yihua Group President and CEO Stephen Boggs attended the meeting.