Nujiang Prefecture donated 1 million anti-epidemic masks to 10 border friendly villages in Myanmar


4month28Day to29On Japan, Nujiang prefecture sent to Myanmar successively in the name of border friendly villages10A pair of villages donated10010,000 anti-epidemic masks. Lushui Section6< span style="font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit;font-family:imitation of Song Dynasty_GB2312;vertical-align:baseline;">Donation ceremony of two paired villages At4month28Held at Pianma Port, Gongshan section2The donation ceremony of the paired villages was held in4month28Days are held in Danzhu Passage and Maku Passage respectively, Fugong Section2The donation ceremony of the paired villages was held in4month29 Day was held in Yaping Passage. The donation ceremony was carried out in a zero-contact manner, that is, the Foreign Affairs Office of the three counties (cities) in Bian made an appointment with the Burmese side in advance through mobile phones, WeChat, satellite phones, walkie-talkies, etc. on the delivery site of the materials. After evacuating, the Myanmar personnel will receive and transport the materials away, and put the stamped and signed text on the handover list at the designated place, and the Chinese side will retrieve it after disinfection.

Outside of Nujiang Prefecture and Myanmar Kachin Qibei Township and Solo Township in Bangmykyina County border on Kaolanpu Township and Naomo Township in Putao County. In order to deepen bilateral exchanges and cooperation,2017My state and neighboring areas of Myanmar have concluded10For border friendly villages,BuildfolkCommunicationCooperation platform , andUnder this platform, the two sides have carried out exchanges and cooperation in various fields, deepeningPaukphawFriendship. The border of our state is long, and there are many passages and convenience roads. In addition, the risks of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Myanmar and the political situation are superimposed, and the risk of the epidemic being imported from the border of our state is increasing. In order to comprehensively strengthen the cooperation with Myanmar in face-to-face joint prevention and control of the epidemic, and comprehensively improve the self-protection capabilities of Myanmar border residents, the foreign affairs departments of prefectures and counties (cities) actively sought epidemic prevention materials from the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office. The Provincial Foreign Affairs Office took into account the actual needs of epidemic prevention and control in our state , gave strong support,2021year4Aiding Myanmar10010,000 anti-epidemic masks project. The donation of anti-epidemic masks will effectively reduce the risk of mutual transmission of viruses between people in Myanmar and border areas, and thenEliminate their nervousness and greatly reduce the risk of imported epidemics caused by the influx of Burmese border residents from the front line, which is effectiveBuild a joint defense line for border epidemic prevention and control.

The person in charge of the Burmese village through different channels Tell us that due to the lagging traffic conditions in the border areas of Myanmar, there is a shortage of medical facilities and equipment, and there is a shortage of medical supplies. span> "good neighbor , good friend, good brother, good partner " profound connotation. The masks donated by China are not only delivered " Pauk-waveThe deep friendship between, also send It is the confidence and determination of the friendly villages to fight the epidemic together. I hope that the two sides will deepen cooperation in various fields, so that more cooperation results will benefit the people on both sides, and the flowers of bilateral friendship will bloom on the banks of the Irrawaddy River and the China-Myanmar border.