Ambassador Fei Shengchao Attends the Handover Ceremony of China's Humanitarian Supplies to Somalia


    On October 16, 2021, the Chinese Embassy in Somalia and Somalia The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management jointly held the handover ceremony of China's aid to Somalia humanitarian supplies. Fei Shengchao, Chinese Ambassador to Somalia, and Diriye, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs of Somalia, attended the ceremony. Abdino, Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister's Office of Somalia, Ahmad, Director-General of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and other Somali government officials, and friends from all walks of life in Somalia attended the event.

  Ambassador Fei said in his speech that the friendship between China and Somalia has a long history and lasts forever. Humanitarian relief. There have also been a number of serious natural disasters in China recently. The Chinese people have worked together to fight and rescue disasters in the spirit of "when one party is in trouble, all parties support". We have not forgotten our Somali brothers and sisters who were also affected by the disaster and provided humanitarian supplies such as tents, mosquito nets, first aid kits, and medical equipment to the Somali side. China upholds the concept of people-centered development, implements the spirit of the "Global Development Initiative" proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping in the general debate of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, and does not leave any country or person behind. Even though aid materials and transportation costs have risen sharply due to the impact of the epidemic, they still keep their promises and deliver aid materials to Somalia in a timely and full amount. The aid this time is full of warehouses, but it is difficult to meet the needs of more victims. However, the people of China and Somalia are full of love and perseverance. It is believed that the two countries and the international community will extend more helping hands to the disaster victims to help them overcome difficulties and rebuild their homes.

  Di thanked the Chinese government for its long-term support and assistance to Somalia in various fields, and thanked China for overcoming difficulties and timely delivery of donated humanitarian supplies. Relevant supplies will be distributed to disaster victims in all federal states as soon as possible to relieve their worries and relief. It is hoped that Somalia and China will continue to strengthen mutual support and cooperation, and promote the continuous development of the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries. Di accompanied Ambassador Fei to the warehouse to inspect the Chinese aid materials.

   Under the witness of the guests attending the event, Ambassador Fei Shengchao and Minister Dimier signed the material handover certificate. Somali National News Agency, Mogadishu Radio and other mainstream media reported on the handover ceremony.