Yunnan University for Nationalities "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base for Overseas Students from South and Southeast Asia" settled in Guandu


  On October 14, Guandu District, Kunming City, "South and Southeast Asian Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Base" and "Yunnan University for Nationalities Teaching and Practice Training Base" were officially unveiled in the China (Yunnan) Pilot Free Trade Zone International Trade Enterprises Gathering Park - Aodi Park. In the future, the base will attract more international students to work and start businesses in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, gather international young talents, and play an active role in making good use of the human resources of international students in Kunming universities and realizing two-way incentives for employment and entrepreneurship.

  At the unveiling ceremony, Zhang Qiaogui, president of Yunnan University for Nationalities, introduced that Yunnan University for Nationalities was founded in August 1951 and is one of the earliest institutions of higher learning for nationalities in China. After 71 years of construction and development, the school has a complete range of disciplines and distinctive school-running characteristics. It has established cooperative relations with more than 80 universities in more than 20 countries including Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. The school began to recruit foreign students in 1981. It is one of the first universities in Yunnan Province to recruit foreign students and carry out Chinese teaching as a foreign language, and it is also the university that recruits the most foreign students in Yunnan. All levels of undergraduate, master, and doctoral education in China have now formed a good structure, and have accumulated rich experience in the recruitment, training, education, management and service of international students in China.

   Zhang Qiaogui said that in recent years, schools Focusing closely on the school-running goal of "based in Yunnan, serving the frontiers, and radiating to South and Southeast Asia", through efforts to create the "three cards" of education opening to the outside world, Yunnan University for Nationalities has formed a distinctive education opening system of Yunnan University for Nationalities. Among the more than 2,000 colleges and universities in the country, only Beijing Foreign Studies University and Yunnan University for Nationalities have opened 15 official language majors in South and Southeast Asian countries. The Guandu area of the Kunming area of the China (Yunnan) Pilot Free Trade Zone focuses on system innovation and builds a demonstration area for South Asia and Southeast Asia international trade agglomeration areas and Yunnan's opening to the outside world. The establishment of the two bases will continue to unleash the innovation vitality and creative potential of the region, which will not only further promote the school administration cooperation between the school and Guandu District, but also lay a solid foundation for deepening cooperation between the two parties, especially in terms of opening up to the outside world.

   Secretary of the Guandu District Committee Chen Han pointed out that Guandu As the new center of the provincial capital, the district ranks 41st in China's top 100 districts and "Yunling District 1", with more than 270,000 market entities. It is an important window for foreign economic and trade cooperation and international exchanges in Kunming and even Yunnan. Guandu has a unique geographical advantage. It is located on the central axis of Kunming's development. The situation gradually strengthened. The advantages of opening up are obvious. The total area of the free trade pilot zone is 60 square kilometers. There are consulates general in Kunming such as Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos. Single window and Kunming networked information platform data verification, etc., exports cover 89 countries and regions around the world, and the total foreign trade import and export volume exceeds 8.1 billion yuan. At present, the whole district is accelerating the development of foreign trade track, signed an agreement with the Mohan-Boten Economic Cooperation Zone, relying on group companies such as Haicheng, Xingyao, and Ao Di to explore overseas markets, and explore the joint establishment of "overseas warehouses", business and trade The port economy, foreign trade in goods and service trade have great potential for development.

  Chen Han said that Guandu District actively strives for Yunnan University for Nationalities strongly supports and jointly builds an innovation and entrepreneurship base for overseas students from South and Southeast Asia, builds a gathering platform, and serves all kinds of talents. Guandu District will take this opportunity in the future to highlight the role of the “experimental field” for the reform of the Pilot Free Trade Zone, vigorously innovate the supporting policies for talent development, do its best to provide supporting support such as policy consultation, permits to come to China, and foreign affairs services, and actively support the cultivation of international scientific and technological cooperation. , to create an "international stage" for talent innovation and entrepreneurship.

  From Yunnan University for Nationalities, Sri Lankan international student Mano said in his exchange speech that he owns a shop in the university student entrepreneurial park, and the tea, gemstones and other products brought from Sri Lanka are popular with many students. The leading and participating entrepreneurial projects have also won many awards. It is believed that under the promulgation of various policies, a large number of students from South and Southeast Asia will choose to start a business in Kunming after graduation.

  "Excellent foreign students have a broad international perspective , diverse cultural backgrounds, and diverse ways of thinking are the important talent support for our district to open up new businesses, seek new development, and continue to expand the level of opening up to the outside world." Chen Mingjuan, director of the Free Trade Office of Guandu District, said that the base will provide innovation and entrepreneurship for foreign students. and practical training opportunities, do a good job in the design of a series of policies for foreign students to work in China, and actively carry out support for international talent exchanges and cultivation work, which is conducive to the Kunming area (Guandu District) of the Pilot Free Trade Zone to refine and specialize in advantageous industries, and to expand and expand Strengthen emerging formats and strengthen the construction of industrial ecological chains.