The 5th Yunnan Province International Students Cultural Exchange Week opens in Yuxi


The 5th Yunnan Province International Students Cultural Exchange Week opens in Yuxi

Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 2023-12-06 17:47 Published onYunnan

On December 4, the fifth Yunnan Province International Students Cultural Exchange Week opened in Yuxi. The event was hosted by the Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Yuxi Municipal People's Government, the Yunnan Provincial Youth Federation, and the Yunnan Provincial Student Federation. The Yuxi Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Yuxi Municipal People's Government are responsible for this event.Tian Ruiwen, deputy mayor of the Yuxi Municipal People's Government and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, attended and delivered a speech. Xu Sisi, deputy secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and vice chairman of the Provincial Youth Federation, delivered a speech. Relevant responsible comrades from the Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Yuxi Municipal People's Government attended.60 Chinese and foreign young teachers and students from 19 countries including China, Thailand, Pakistan, Russia, and Bangladesh participated in the event.

The event pointed out that in the past 10 years, we have witnessed the fruitful results achieved by General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “Belt and Road” initiative.Young friends in the new era are the "civilian ambassadors" of exchanges between countries, shouldering the important task of inheriting friendship, enhancing understanding, and strengthening cooperation between countries.We must strengthen our studies and strive to become outstanding talents who can take on big responsibilities and do great things. We must actively promote cultural exchanges, play the dual roles of "audience" and "disseminator" of Chinese stories, and help China's excellent culture to better go to the world. ; We should make friends widely, enhance trust through exchanges and cooperation, enhance understanding through heart-to-heart dialogue and communication, and achieve win-win and mutual growth while walking hand in hand.

After the opening ceremony, a youth exchange forum with the theme of "Youth Without Borders Developing into the Future" was held. Five Chinese students and five international students from Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Bangladesh exchanged and shared.Ni Tai'an, a Thai student at Yuxi Normal University, said during the exchange: "I told my family, friends, and teachers in Thailand that I would be speaking at the exchange week. They were very happy and gave me a lot of encouragement. After coming to Yuxi to study abroad, I felt I went to Yuxi to live a livable life and experienced Yuxi's diverse culture. I felt that I gained a lot." Zhu Huanglin, an Indonesian international student from Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said during the exchange: "I came to China to improve my Chinese language skills and better learn Chinese medicine knowledge. , after returning to China, he will become an excellent Chinese medicine doctor, save lives and heal the wounded, and let Chinese medicine shine on the international stage.

It is reported that this event will carry out a six-day cultural exchange, cultural experience and cultural study, and carry out science popularization on the evolution of life on earth, intangible inheritance kite museum, Beidou satellite positioning technology, cell industry, flower industry, Yunnan Red Revolutionary Spirit and other visits Study and experience the excellent traditional culture and traditional Chinese medicine of Yunnan, further promote mutual learning and exchanges between Chinese and foreign young students in Yunnan, so that Chinese and foreign young students can continuously deepen their understanding of China and Yunnan, understand Chinese culture, feel the Chinese spirit, and understand China Roads, building bridges and ties to promote mutual understanding and mutual understanding among people from all over the world.