The Provincial Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries held a work exchange meeting for executive directors and specially invited directors


In order to further play the role of the Provincial Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries as a platform, gather the resources of the directors, and plan and coordinate the work in 2024, on December 29, 2023, the Provincial Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries held a work exchange meeting for the executive directors and some specially invited directors.Full-time Vice President Wang Yu presided over the meeting. Xu Sisi, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Hou Sheng, Vice President of the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, Yan Ming, Vice President of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Hu Liangbo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Labor Union of Yunnan Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd. Part-time vice-presidents, three specially invited directors including Du Haitao and Luo Jiang and representatives of some vice-president units attended the meeting.

Secretary-General Peng Shaoyun reported on the work of the Provincial Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries in 2023 and the main work considerations in 2024.All part-time vice presidents and specially invited directors will make suggestions for the work of the council in 2024 based on the resource advantages of their own units and fields. It is hoped that the council will make good use of the two engines of city diplomacy and non-governmental diplomacy, and focus on serving the country and the provincial party committee and provincial government’s external work. Strategy, give full play to Yunnan’s unique location advantages, focus on international friendly cities, friendly organizations, friendly people, friendly villages, and jointly carry out highlighted, distinctive and influential non-governmental foreign exchange activities such as education, economy and trade, culture, think tanks, youth exchanges, etc. Strengthen the foundation of public opinion for friendship with other countries in Yunnan, deepen people-to-people ties, guide the province's foreign cooperation, provide new momentum for the province's economic and social development, and strive to write a new chapter in the province's people-to-people diplomacy.

Full-time Vice President Wang Yu thanked all part-time vice presidents and specially invited directors for their long-term concern and support for the work of the Provincial Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.She said that holding this meeting at the end of the year is of great significance. The meeting achieved the purpose of colliding ideas, sharing information, exchanging experiences, building consensus, and planning work in a targeted manner for 2024; it will closely follow the "three major roles" of the CPAFFC Positioning, extensively gather directors from various units, share resources, benefit from each other, anchor common goals, and create more iconic brand activities of people-to-people diplomacy with Yunnan recognition; in the future, an institutionalized work exchange mechanism will be established among directors to give full play to the Friendship Association Take advantage of the city’s platform and channels to serve the directors of each unit well.