Past|Carrying out people-to-people diplomacy and enhancing international friendship——Recording the foreign exchange work of Shanghai Red Cross Society


As an international organization, the Red Cross plays a unique role in civil diplomacy. Shanghai Red Cross maintains good relations and close exchanges with Red Cross organizations in many countries and regions.

Since 1979, commissioned by the Red Cross Society of China, in With the care and support of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government and relevant departments, the Shanghai Red Cross Society has provided 126 batches of foreign aid materials such as food, daily necessities, and medicines to more than 50 countries and regions. Transshipment of 16 batches of foreign aid materials provided by foreign countries and Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao Red Cross organizations. He also sent full-time cadres to represent the Red Cross Society of China as the relief representative of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and went to Sri Lanka and Malawi twice to carry out relief work.

Since 1989, Shanghai Red Cross Society and Japan Asahikawa Sou Nursing training course, the project was funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Over the years, the Shanghai Red Cross Society has sent 4 batches of training teachers for 67 person-times, and the Japanese side sent nursing experts to Shanghai for 31 person-times to give lectures. After several years of preparations, the Shanghai Red Cross Society learned from Japan’s advanced experience in nursing care training for the elderly and combined with the characteristics of Shanghai. "The project carried out organized and systematic construction, newly compiled localized teaching materials, established a teaching staff, filmed audio-visual education courseware, implemented training bases, etc., and carried out elderly care training in the city for many years.

Past l Shanghai

Cooperated with Asahikawaso in Japan to hold teacher training for elderly care (1989)

text -align:justify;color:#404040;font-family:Arial, "font-size:18px;"> Shanghai Red Cross staff in Malawi, Africa

< p style="text-align: ju stify;color:#404040;font-family:Arial, "font-size:18px;"> Join Aid Work (1993)

Past Shanghai

During the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, the Shanghai Red Cross Society successively received the President of the Swiss Red Cross, the Vice President of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies , the vice president of the Dutch Red Cross Society, the president of the Busan Red Cross Society of South Korea, the Flemish Welfare and Health Family Minister of Belgium, the Taiwan Red Cross Organization, the Hong Kong and Macau Red Cross delegation, etc. 15 batches from 22 countries and regions 196 guests. Received the title of "Shanghai World Expo Foreign Affairs Advanced Group" issued by the municipal government.

Vice President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Christina Bailey

Visit Shanghai Boai Plaza (2010)

In 2013, the Shanghai Red Cross received the A temporary special mission assigned by the General Council of the Association - to receive the visit of four people to Shanghai by the wife of the President of Fiji, Ms. Adi Neratikau. The delegation of the wife of the President of Fiji is very satisfied with this trip. After returning to China, the wife of the President of Fiji wrote a letter to Ma Qiang, then executive vice president of the Shanghai Red Cross Society. The letter mentioned: "...Our only regret is that we stayed in Shanghai for too short a time when we visited China. Although we At that time, I was tired from flying to Shanghai from Beijing and the itinerary was full in Shanghai within a short period of time, but we were deeply impressed by your enthusiasm and the history and work of the Red Cross that you introduced to us... , I would like to express how grateful you are for the places you chose to visit, the courtesy and hospitality you received..."

After the President's wife visited China, she and her husband soon agreed to visit the mainland in 2014. Zhao Baige, the executive vice president of the Red Cross Society of China at the time, called to encourage him: "You have made great contributions."

On August 22, 2014, Haji Assi, Secretary-General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and Jagan Chappagain, Director of the Asia-Pacific Region, visited Shanghai Red Cross In the Disaster Preparedness and Relief Center, after listening to the work report and visiting the Shanghai Red Cross, he highly affirmed the work of the Shanghai Red Cross and wrote an inscription on the blackboard: Thank you to Shanghai Red Cross for excellent work (Thank you for the outstanding work of the Shanghai Red Cross work)!

Past l Shanghai

-align:justify;color:#404040;font-family:Arial, "font-size:18px;"> Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Haji Assi Inscription (2014.8) p>

Past l Shanghai

From 2009 to the end of 2018, the Red Cross Society of Shanghai received the leaders of the National Red Cross Societies of Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Norway, Thailand, South Korea, and Croatia, as well as International organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and delegations from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao have visited nearly 100 batches.

The Red Cross Society of Shanghai is also actively seeking the municipal government to carry out " Add content related to Red Cross work in "International Friendship Cities Cooperation and Exchange". Over the years, exchanges with the Red Cross Societies of sister cities such as Busan in South Korea, Nagasaki in Japan, and Hamburg in Germany have been included in the memorandum of friendly exchanges, and supported foreign affairs departments in handling some special assistance matters, laying the foundation for the development of Red Cross non-governmental exchanges , Expanded channels.

Since 1994, Shanghai Red Cross and Korean Red Cross The Busan branch of the Red Cross Society will carry out exchanges and exchanges, and the two sides will send volunteers and Red Cross youths to their respective cities once a year for exchanges. Since 2001, through the coordination of the European and African Office of the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, exchanges and exchanges have been carried out with the Hamburg Branch of the German Red Cross, and youth groups have been dispatched for mutual visits and exchanges. Since 2003, through the coordination of the Yada Division of the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, we have conducted many exchanges with the Nagasaki Branch of the Japanese Red Cross on disaster preparedness and relief, community service, volunteer service management, first aid training, and youth.