"Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Belgium" Non-governmental Diplomatic Event Held in Shanghai


China News Service, Shanghai, October 23rd (Zhou Zhuoao) "In the past 50 years, people from all walks of life in Belgium and China have actively contributed to the cooperation and exchanges between the two countries. There are more good stories to share between China and Belgium.” said Yan Bono, Consul General of the Kingdom of Belgium in Shanghai, at the “Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Belgium” held on the 23rd.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Belgium, the Shanghai European and American Scholars Association held the "Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Belgium" at the Home of Overseas Students in Shanghai on the 23rd Civilian diplomacy.

It is understood that on October 25, 1971, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to restore the legal seat of the People's Republic of China, and Belgium voted in favor of it. Officially establish diplomatic relations.

Fifty years ago, many people got to know each other's country through Hergé's cartoon "The Adventures of Tintin". Today, Dai Luke, a Belgian boy, can speak fluent Mandarin and has become the global champion of the "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students. Last year, Belgian pianist Jean Malone composed "Chime Bells at Dawn" for Wuhan's fight against the epidemic, which moved hundreds of millions of Chinese people. The giant panda family in Paradise Zoo has become a household name in Belgium.

This event also commemorates Ms. Qian Xiuling, known as the "Schindler of Belgium". In 1929, Qian Xiuling studied at the University of Leuven in Belgium. During World War II, she risked her life and successfully rescued 96 Belgian anti-fascists. The host of this event, Qian Tongxin, as Qian Xiuling's great-nephew, shared the story of Qian Xiuling's life during the event. Zhang Yawen, author of Qian Xiuling's deeds-themed book "The Woman Under the Gestapo's Snatch", and Mr. Xu Feng, author of "Forget Me", shared their interview stories through video.

It is worth mentioning that this event also held the theme exhibition of "Messenger of Friendship" at the same time, reviewing the history of non-governmental exchanges and friendly exchanges between Chinese and Belgian students since 1921 , displaying objects and works of art exchanged by students studying in Belgium in different fields such as culture, economy, art, academics, science and technology, such as "Staying in Belgium for a hundred years, never forgetting the original heart", "The Adventures of Tintin and Shanghai", "China-Belgium International Students Exchange" "Belt and Road and Ghent University", etc. (End)