Wang Yubo met with a delegation from the US-China Aviation Heritage Foundation and Flying Tigers veterans


Wang Yubo met with a delegation from the US-China Aviation Heritage Foundation and Flying Tigers veterans

Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 2023-11-03 20:19 Published onYunnan
On November 3, Wang Yubo, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Province, met with a delegation from the US-China Aviation Heritage Foundation and Flying Tigers veterans in Kunming.
Wang Yubo extended welcome to all guests.He said that more than 80 years ago, General Chennault led the Flying Tigers to fight side by side with the Chinese military and civilians and made important contributions to the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. The spirit of the Flying Tigers remains everlasting.President Xi Jinping's recent reply to the chairman of the U.S.-China Aviation Heritage Foundation and the Flying Tigers veteran has injected new impetus into the mutual understanding between the Chinese and American people and the development of Sino-U.S. relations.Over the years, all the guests present have worked tirelessly to spread the story of Sino-US friendship and continue the deep friendship between the Flying Tigers and the people of Yunnan. More young storytellers and inheritors have joined the ranks.We are willing to move forward hand in hand with all guests, inherit the spirit of the Flying Tigers in the new era, and jointly build Sino-US people-to-people friendship.
Green, chairman of the U.S.-China Aviation Heritage Foundation, said everyone was very touched to receive President Xi Jinping’s reply letter.The Chinese people have always kept in mind the friendship between the United States and China, and we will continue to tell the story of the Flying Tigers so that the spirit of the Flying Tigers can be passed down from generation to generation.I look forward to promoting mutual exchanges and deepening friendship between the United States and China, especially the younger generation, through this visit.
Wang Hao, Guo Dajin and Sun Can attended the meeting.