"Maritime Silk Road" International Cultural Forum Opens in Macao


            On the morning of November 16th, "Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage-Maritime Silk Road International Cultural Forum" opened in Macao . The forum was hosted by the Department of Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, with the theme of "Maritime Silk Road Cultural Heritage Protection and Sustainable Development", and invited guests from Mainland China, Macao, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia , the United Kingdom and many other experts and scholars published special research results and speeches.

        Razah Irundu Asomo, Director of the UNESCO World Heritage Center, Ouyang Yu, Director of the Social Affairs and Culture Department of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. Guan Qiang, Deputy Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, made a keynote report entitled "World Cultural Heritage in China". The achievements in the field of cultural heritage declaration and protection management are reviewed and summarized, and the recent world cultural heritage declaration work including the Maritime Silk Road is prospected. Haji Imran Rosyadi, Regent of Cirebon County, Indonesia, was invited to attend the opening ceremony online and delivered a speech.

        More than 20 Chinese and foreign experts were invited to attend the forum and make speeches. Li Li, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage, made a speech entitled "China's Maritime Silk Road System", explaining the composition and value of China's Maritime Silk Road system, and taking the South China Sea exchange active area and Macao as examples, introducing the maritime Planning ideas for the protection of cultural heritage along the Silk Road. Ms. Susan Danielle, a senior expert of ICOMOS, gave a speech titled "Introduction to the Research on Maritime Silk Road Application", sharing the latest progress of ICOMOS Maritime Silk Road research, discussing the time and space scope of the Maritime Silk Road, and put forward the value of the next step Suggestions for international cooperation required for research and world heritage application. Jiang Bo, a professor at Shandong University and vice-chairman of the China Association for the Protection of Historic Sites, took the title of "Looking at the Maritime Silk Road from Underwater Archeology" to conduct empirical research on the ancient East-West maritime traffic seen in underwater archaeological discoveries since the middle of the 20th century. introduced. Yang Bixing, Director of Cultural Projects of the UNESCO Representative Office in China, made a speech on "New Pathways for Capacity Building", introducing the latest achievements of UNESCO in this field.