"Dian-Hong Kong Walking Together · Youth Building Dreams" Yunnan-Hong Kong Youth Talent Exchange Conference held in Kunming and Hong Kong


Kunming venue

Hong Kong venue

To further strengthen Yunnan and Hong Kong Youth talent exchange, promoting cooperation in talent projects in education, science and technology, culture and other fields, providing more opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship for young talents in the two places. It will be held in Kunming and Hong Kong in the afternoon of 9Month 52022. The conference was hosted by the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the People's Government of Yunnan Province (hereinafter referred to as the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Yunnan Province), co-organized by the Yunnan Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Youth Exchange Promotion Association, the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, the Yunnan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Communist Youth League of Yunnan Provincial Committee, and Yunnan Co-organized by the University.

Yang Mu, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Yunnan Province, attended the meeting and delivered a speech

Hao Kun, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Yunnan Province, presided over the meeting

Yang Mu, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Yunnan Province, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, Hao Kun, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Yunnan Province, presided over the meeting. Cai Ruolian, Director of the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Zhang Zhihua, Director of the Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Hu Jianmin, Deputy Director of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, delivered video speeches at the meeting.

Yang Mu said that with the continuous advancement of the construction of a radiation center for South Asia and Southeast Asia, especially the opening of the China-Laos Railway, Yunnan's location advantages have become more prominent. At the same time, the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have placed talent work in a more prominent position, and taken effective measures to create a first-class business environment and stimulate the vitality of market players. The vast number of young people from Hong Kong will have a lot to do in innovation and entrepreneurship in Yunnan. As the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area continues to deepen, Hong Kong's position as an international innovative talent pool has been further consolidated, and the role of a "talent hub" has been fully utilized. Hong Kong will surely become an important window for Yunnan youths to go to the world, and young talents from all over the world to enter Yunnan. It is hoped that the young people in Yunnan and Hong Kong will learn from each other and work together to promote the integration and development of the two places through the exchange and cooperation of young talents.

Cai Ruolian , Zhang Zhihua, and Hu Jianmin fully affirmed Yunnan's location and resource advantages in their speeches, and spoke highly of the work done by the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Yunnan Province in actively promoting the youth exchanges and cooperation between Yunnan and Hong Kong. We are full of confidence in making breakthroughs in exchanges and cooperation.

Deputy Director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education Zhao Derong made a keynote speech

Chen Donghai, Founding Chairman of Yungang, Macao and Taiwan Youth Exchange Promotion Association, made a keynote speech

Zhan Peixun, co-founder of Shenzhen Yiqing Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., made a keynote speech

< p class="MsoNormal" style="color:#333333;font-family:"font-size:16px;text-indent:24pt;background:white;"> Zhao Derong, deputy director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, Chen Donghai, founding chairman of the Yunnan-Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan Youth Exchange Promotion Association, chief director of the Hong Kong International Youth Maker Alliance, and the Greater Bay Area Youth Professionals Association Zhan Peixun, vice chairman and co-founder of Shenzhen Yiqing Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech at the meeting. Young entrepreneurs from Yunnan and Hong Kong, Yunnan entrepreneurs in Hong Kong, and outstanding young entrepreneurs from Hong Kong in the Mainland made exchanges and speeches at the meeting.

Yang Mu, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Yunnan Province, and Gonghe Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. CEO< /span>Ye Xinghua signed the "Memorandum of Cooperation"

At the meeting, Yunnan University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University signed the "Memorandum of Cooperation", and the Hong Kong and Macao Office of Yunnan Province and Gonghe Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. signed the "Jointly Promoting Yunnan, Hong Kong and Macao Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Youth Exchange and Cooperation.

Kunming venue launched "Walk with Diangang·Youth "Building Dreams " series of activities

The Hong Kong venue launched the "Dian-Hong Kong Walk·Youth Build Dreams" series of activities

In order to further deepen the youth exchanges between Yunnan and Hong Kong, the two places will jointly create a "Coming Together with Hong Kong · The brand of youth exchange activities "Building Dreams in Youth". At the end of the meeting, the main guests at the Kunming venue and the Hong Kong venue jointly launched the series of activities of "Walking in Yunnan and Hong Kong·Building Dreams with Youth".