The 2015 Silk Road International Cultural Forum was held in Moscow


    Recently, 2015Silk Road International Cultural Forum was held in Moscow, the capital of Russia, and more than 20 countries along the "Silk Road" More than 300 representatives from all walks of life in the country participated.

  The theme of this forum is "Development of Partnerships, Discussion on Cultural Cooperation" , involving macro-cultural economy, regional cooperation, libraries, museums, philosophy history, traditional innovation and many other fields. Participants believed that "The Belt and Road" not only It is an economic road, but also a cultural road, and culture is an important bridge for its development. "Cultural exchanges can strengthen the mutual trust and friendship among countries along the 'Silk Road', and further promote economic and trade cooperation, which is of great significance," said Li Hui, Chinese Ambassador to Russia.

   Sponsored by Exchange and Cooperation Foundation, Kazakhstan People's Spiritual Civilization Development Foundation, China Silk Road Foundation, and sponsored by Xin'ao Group, it has developed into a non-governmental international cultural activity with many countries, large scale, high standards and in-depth humanities cooperation