Do a good job in people-to-people diplomacy Kunming People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Holds the First Council Meeting


On August 5, the first council meeting of Kunming People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries was held in Kunming Hall.

Conference site

The General Assembly elected the people of Kunming The chairman, vice-chairman unit and executive director unit of the Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and reviewed and approved the "Articles of Kunming People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries".

The Kunming People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is a mass organization engaged in non-governmental diplomacy under the leadership of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. It is an important force to promote Kunming's further opening up. Its main responsibilities are to implement the guidelines and policies of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, the Municipal Party Committee, and the Municipal Government to carry out non-governmental diplomatic work, and to serve the economy of Kunming through non-governmental friendly exchanges with foreign countries and to cooperate with the country's overall diplomacy. Social development and further expansion of opening to the outside world; promote relevant units to carry out work in the fields of foreign private economy, trade, society, science and education cooperation, culture, talent exchanges, and youth exchanges.

Conference site

Conference site

The newly elected president Zhang Xiaoming said that he will conscientiously perform the duties of the president of the Kunming People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, be brave in taking responsibility, take the initiative, and fulfill his mission. In the future work, we will resolutely do the following: strengthen our political stance and temper our work style; strengthen platform construction and give full play to service functions; expand communication channels and promote pragmatic cooperation.