Put love in schoolbags and hope to carry it into school - "Heart Connect Yunnan Trip" Nepal Love Schoolbag Donation Project was successfully completed


Recently, the "Heart Connect Yunnan Trip" Nepal Love School Bag Donation Project was implemented in Nepal. A total of 2,300 love school bags were sent to 1 school in the mountains of Kathmandu and 8 schools in Simragod City, Madheshi Province to provide local students and needy students. The family sends love and warmth to the people of Yunnan.

Kalwa, Mayor of Simragod City, accepted the donation and wrote a special letter to thank the Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, praising the project for its positive contribution to the improvement of the educational environment of the local community and for laying a good foundation for China and Nepal to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation.He also said that the "Heart Connect Yunnan Tour" project focuses on improving people's livelihood and serving public welfare, bringing joy and comfort to people facing difficulties, and has received enthusiastic support and recognition from the Nepalese government and people.

Mayor of Simragod accepts donation

Teachers and students of the assisted schools and the local people warmly welcomed the implementation of the project. Teachers and students said that the project not only helps encourage students from disadvantaged families to continue their studies, but the small schoolbags also carry the sincere friendship between the people of China and Nepal and Dinnan.

Nepal’s Ghana Ashtar National Weekly reported on the project.

The Nepal Love School Bag Donation Project is implemented by the Yunnan Provincial Commercial Representative Office in Nepal.From 2022 to 2023, with the strong support of the Chinese Embassy in Nepal, 7 "HeartConnect Yunnan Tour" projects have been launched in Nepal, covering areas such as infrastructure construction, green energy, social environment, and student and teaching assistance. In order to deepen the Yunnan has made contributions to the friendship between the people of China and Nepal and to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Nepal.