China-Arab Friendship Organization Holds Video Dialogue and Issues Joint Declaration


People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 11 (Reporter Zeng Shurou) On May 10, the China-Arab Friendship Organization co-sponsored by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Federation of Arab-Chinese Friendship Associations The dialogue will be held successfully via video.

Lin Songtian, President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, delivered a keynote speech, and Ahmed, Secretary-General of the Arab Federation of Chinese Friendship Associations, and Leaders of friendship organizations with China from 11 Arab countries including Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Sudan, as well as experts and scholars from both sides attended online and focused on strengthening solidarity and cooperation to safeguard world fairness and justice Shared interests with China and Arab states; exerting advantages to promote win-win cooperation and common development between China and Arab states; promoting mutual learning among civilizations and building a community of shared future between China and Arab states; Through friendly exchanges, a broad consensus was reached, and the Declaration of the China-Arab States Friendship Organization on Safeguarding World Fairness and Justice and Realizing Common Development was unanimously adopted. The full text is as follows:

We agree that the Chinese and Arab peoples share the same fate and historical experience, both of which are Western colonialism and imperialism Victims and opponents of hegemony and hegemony have broad common language and interests in upholding the common values of all mankind, adhering to multilateralism, opposing hegemony, advocating fairness and justice, maintaining world peace, and promoting common prosperity.

We are gravely concerned about the dangers of the current crisis in Ukraine to the people of the world, especially those in developing countries, and agree to This geopolitical crisis has seriously damaged the stability and security of the global industrial chain and supply chain, triggered a global energy and food crisis, led to a sharp rise in global inflation, unemployment and consumer price index, and severely hit developing countries. The unremitting efforts and prospects of realizing sustainable development have pushed the people of the world into production and survival crises such as stagflation, unemployment, and famine.

We all agree that the era theme of peace and development is facing severe challenges, and the world is neither peaceful nor peaceful. It is the common aspiration of people of all countries to pursue peace, seek development, promote cooperation, and work together to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. The Cold War mentality and behavior of inciting ideological confrontation and bloc confrontation and seeking one's own absolute security and absolute interests at the expense of the security of other countries is outdated, harming others and benefiting oneself. We highly appreciate China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil and other emerging countries, as well as the vast majority of countries in the world, for their firm stance of upholding fairness and justice and their firm determination to maintain world peace and stability.

We unanimously stress that an early resolution of the Ukrainian crisis and maintenance of world peace, security, development and prosperity are in the common interests of all peoples of the world. We should uphold a common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security concept, abandon the Cold War mentality, adhere to true multilateralism, oppose unilateralism, and refrain from bloc politics and camp confrontation; we should persist in resolving differences and disputes among countries through peaceful means such as dialogue and consultation , support all efforts to peacefully resolve the Ukrainian crisis, and oppose any inhumane words and deeds that may prolong the crisis. All parties highly appreciated the global security initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping for providing Chinese wisdom and solutions to international security challenges.

We highly appreciate the people-centered development thought put forward by President Xi Jinping, and agreed that only by achieving win-win cooperation and common development can we It is the right way in the world and the way out to solve all problems; we strongly call on all countries in China and Arab countries to unite and cooperate to overcome the difficulties, jointly build the "Belt and Road" with high quality, promote the China-Arab strategic partnership to better benefit the people of both sides, and work together to build a new The China-Arab community with a shared future in the era; support global development initiatives, actively promote practical cooperation in key areas, accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and promote the building of a global development community.

We unanimously agreed to firmly support the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights, support the "two-state solution", and support the establishment of the 1967 An independent State of Palestine with full sovereignty and with East Jerusalem as its capital on the basis of the 19-year borders, is committed to achieving lasting peace, development and prosperity in the Middle East. We firmly safeguard the unity of our respective countries and oppose any attempt to interfere in other countries' internal affairs.

We unanimously call on the governments, institutions and enterprises of China and Arab countries to provide necessary support for the development of China-Arab friendship organizations, and encourage friendly organizations to strengthen their capabilities Construction, give full play to their respective advantages, and promote friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of think tanks, media, youth, local governments and sister cities; support the Arab-Chinese Friendship Association and continue to hold the China-Arab Friendship Conference under the framework of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum.

Source :People's Network< /span>

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