Yunnan Province donated 600 oxygen generators to border areas such as Shan State and Kachin State in northern Myanmar


On the morning of August 30, the Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan Province and the Consulate General of Myanmar in Kunming held a handover ceremony for donating 600 oxygen generators to Shan State and Kachin State of Myanmar. Entrusted by Director Yang Mu, Hao Kun, deputy director of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, and U Da Aung, Consul General of Myanmar in Kunming, attended the handover ceremony and delivered speeches.


Hao Kun said in his speech that China and Myanmar are connected by mountains and rivers, and Yunnan Province has maintained close friendly and cooperative relations with border provinces such as Shan State and Kachin State in Myanmar for a long time, and Pauk-Phaw has a profound friendship. In the face of the new crown pneumonia epidemic sweeping the world, China and Myanmar have joined hands to fight the epidemic and overcome difficulties together. After the outbreak of the epidemic in Myanmar, Yunnan Province sent medical expert teams to Myanmar twice to support the fight against the epidemic. It helped build a nucleic acid testing laboratory in Mandalay, and donated many batches of anti-epidemic materials and funds from the government to the private sector. It has provided full support to fight the epidemic and protect people's lives, health and safety, interpreting the value concept of "sharing weal and woe, solidarity and cooperation" of the China-Myanmar community of shared future, and has been highly appraised by all walks of life in Myanmar. The Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan Province has donated 6 million masks to the border area in northern Myanmar in early April this year. This time, it will donate another 600 oxygen generators to the northern Myanmar area, hoping to add another important boost to Myanmar's fight against the epidemic and convey to the people of Myanmar camaraderie.
On behalf of the Myanmar government and people, U Da Aung expressed his heartfelt support and assistance to Yunnan Province and the Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan Province for Myanmar's anti-epidemic work grateful. He said that the material assistance and spiritual support provided by Yunnan Province is a vivid embodiment of the spirit of the Pauk-Phaw friendship between Myanmar and China, which is "we are in the same boat through thick and thin." This time, the Foreign Affairs Office of Yunnan Province once again provided timely help when Myanmar was facing the third severe wave of the epidemic, and donated oxygen generators that were in short supply to Myanmar. will be extremely important support. The Consulate General will convey Yunnan Province's selfless friendship to Myanmar to the Myanmar government and people.
After the handover ceremony, the batch of oxygen generators will be delivered by Baoshan , Lincang, Dehong, Xishuangbanna, Pu'er, and Nujiang, the foreign affairs offices of six cities donated to Myanmar's adjacent border areas through land border ports.

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