Hundreds of beautiful pictures of Yunnan are on display in Yangon, Myanmar, inviting the audience to participate in the visual feast of "There is a Life Called Yunnan"


Hundreds of beautiful pictures of Yunnan are on display in Yangon, Myanmar, inviting the audience to participate in the visual feast of "There is a Life Called Yunnan"

Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 2023-09-26 13:44 Published onYunnan

On September 25, the photo exhibition "There is a Life Called Yunnan" was displayed in Yangon, Myanmar's largest city.Nearly a hundred exquisite pictures show the ecological beauty, humanistic beauty, openness and vitality of Yunnan Province in China in the new era.

The exhibition displayed at the China Cultural Center in Yangon attracted many Myanmar citizens and tourists from many countries to visit, enhancing the Myanmar people's understanding of Yunnan and China in the new era, and bringing closer the traditional "Paukphaw" (Burmese transliteration, meaning brothers) friendship.

▲The picture shows the exhibited picture "Dulongjiang Villages in the Nujiang Gorge".Photo by Chai Junfeng

"I have read in books that the Dulong River originates from Tibet, China, flows through Yunnan, and merges into the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar. I didn't expect it to be so beautiful." Yangon citizen Qin Lai in front of a picture reflecting the Dulong River Stop for a long time.In the picture, the emerald-green Dulong River surges through the majestic Nu River Gorge, and the Dulong ethnic minority villages are scattered along the riverside.

Yunnan, located on the southwest border of China, borders Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, and South and Southeast Asia. It has been an open and inclusive "hot land" since ancient times.The distance between the north and south of the province is about 960 kilometers, and the altitude difference exceeds 6,600 meters. It has given birth to magical landscapes such as Cangshan Erhai Lake, Nujiang Grand Canyon, Meili Snow Mountain, and tropical rainforests, as well as ethnic minority customs that blend and coexist with nature.There are the fantastic travels of Asian elephants, the winter encounter of red-billed gulls, and the dancing flowers that remain unchanged throughout the four seasons... It is the "poetry and distance" in the hearts of the world.In order to attract more global tourists and encourage officials and people across the province to work together to build a better home, the province has recently proposed and is committed to promoting "There is a life called Yunnan."

The picture shows the picture on display "Jingmai Mountain Villagers Picking Tea in the Tea Garden".Photo by Liu Ranyang

On that day, the "World's First Tea-themed World Cultural Heritage" section of the photo exhibition was crowded with people.Just a week ago on the 17th of this month, the "Pu'er Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" located in Pu'er City, Yunnan Province, the "World's Tea Source", was successfully listed on the list with its "tea soul" concept of symbiosis of forest and tea and harmony between man and earth. "World Heritage List".

“Surrounded by these high-definition pictures, I felt as if I was actually there, overlooking the ancient tea forest in Jingmai Mountain, experiencing the original style of the thousand-year-old Blang Village, and picking tea together with local villagers wearing traditional Blang costumes and tasting the aroma of tea. ." said Makkannan, an audience member at the scene.

In addition to the "World's First Tea-themed World Cultural Heritage" section, this photo exhibition also includes three sections: "Garden of the World", "Hometown of Humanity in the East" and "Green Mountains and Green Waters, Right Here".

Yunnan has the reputation of "Kingdom of Plants" and "Garden of the World", with more than 19,000 higher plants. Among the world's major flower species, Yunnan's wild species and related species account for one-third.In the "World Garden" section, the audience can see the big azaleas blooming in Lijiang, the jacarandas that complement the lights at night in Kunming, and the magical fritillary orchids in the Nujiang River... Each exquisite picture immerses the audience in The colorful flower world showcases the beauty of Yunnan’s biodiversity.

▲The picture shows the picture on display "Thousands of People Celebrating Water Splashing Festival".Photo by Xue Yun

"Some ethnic costumes in Yunnan are very similar to those in Myanmar." "It turns out that the grandeur of the Water Splashing Festival in Yunnan is comparable to that in Myanmar." "The Yunnan golden monkey is so cute!" The "Hometown of Humanity in the East" section shows the Lisu, Wa, Tibetan, and Tibetan ethnic groups in Yunnan. The unique costumes and production and living scenes of the Jingpo and other ethnic groups, as well as wild animals and plants such as red pandas, Asian elephants, and cynophylla, have shortened the spatial distance between Yunnan and Myanmar.

Yunnan's special geographical environment and climatic conditions have given birth to unique and rich geological landforms and a unique diversity of natural ecosystems.Entering the "Green Mountains and Green Waters, Right Here" section, you will see pictures of magnificent natural landscapes such as "The First Bend of the Yangtze River", Stone Forest, Meili Snow Mountain, Tiger Leaping Gorge, etc., showing the majestic surging rivers, clearness and tranquility on the Yunling land. Lakes, majestic waterfalls and other diverse landforms.

"This photo exhibition allowed me to see Yunnan's gorgeous scenery and rich culture. I must travel to China if I have the opportunity." Makkannan said.

The photo exhibition "There is a Life in Yunnan" will last until October 1, China's National Day.This photo exhibition is one of the 2023 "Happy Flowers and Full Moon" Mid-Autumn Festival cultural exchange activities in Myanmar, and it also serves as a warm-up for the following activities.This series of events is hosted by the Yunnan Provincial People's Government Information Office and the Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. It will organize the 2023 "Happy Flowers and Full Moon" Transnational Mid-Autumn Festival Gala (Special in Yangon, Special in Mandalay), "There is a Life in Yunnan" pictures Exhibition, the 2023 "Flowers and Full Moon" Transnational Mid-Autumn Festival Gala (Special to Made Island) and other activities aim to convey the warmth of reunion during the Mid-Autumn Festival, carry forward the traditional "paukphaw" friendship between China and Myanmar, and deepen the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Myanmar. Strengthen cultural exchanges and interactions between Yunnan and Myanmar, and promote cultural exchanges between Yunnan and Myanmar and other South Asian and Southeast Asian countries.