Friends from China and Myanmar are discussing the "Cloud Party" activity


6month29 On the 1st, the Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Chinese Consulate General in Mandalay jointly held a series of activities of "People-to-People Bonding" - "Cloud Gathering" for Chinese and Myanmar border residents. After the event, friends from China and Myanmar responded enthusiastically. Based on their own experiences, they expressed their feelings and suggestions for enhancing China-Myanmar friendship, "Paukphaw" friendship, and exchanges and cooperation in various fields between Yunnan and Myanmar.


Chen Chen Consul General of China in Mandalay

China-Myanmar border people"< /span>Cloud Gala"The event coincides with the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries72 Anniversary, it plays a positive role in strengthening friendly exchanges between the people of the two countries and promoting people-to-people bonds. span style="line-height:1;font-size:12pt;">"We are like a family, share a common destiny"< /span> deep friendship. I have been working in Myanmar for nearly 30 years, and what I have experienced the most is that no matter how the world changes, no matter what changes happen in Myanmar, China-Myanmar friendship has always been the main thread of the development of bilateral relations and the mainstream of people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, and has always been supported and supported from the heart of the two peoples. I hope that the people of the two countries will continue and inherit the Pauk-Phaw friendship, continue to strengthen mutual understanding and exchanges, jointly tell the story of China-Myanmar friendship, spread the voice of China-Myanmar friendship, and inject new impetus into the development of bilateral relations in the new era.


Wu Da Consul General of Myanmar in Kunming

Click to view the video

Today's Cloud Gala" provides a very good opportunity for communication , I myself attach great importance to cultural exchanges. I hope that after the COVID-19 epidemic is over, the cultural and art teams in Yunnan, China and Myanmar can conduct offline exchanges, so as to promote cultural exchanges and people-to-people bonds between the two countries to a higher level.

Peng Shaoyun Secretary-General of Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

This time, the Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Chinese Consulate General in Mandalay jointly organized the " cloud The gala was a complete success and very effective. Under the normalization of the epidemic situation, holding such activities has mobilized the enthusiasm of the people on the China-Myanmar border and further deepened the friendship. Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, as the main department of non-governmental exchanges, will continue to hold similar activities in the future, continue to promote the Pauk-Phaw friendship between the Chinese and Myanmar people, and promote the friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and Myanmar to continuously achieve new results.

Xutao Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture Teachers of national secondary professional schools

In this Cloud Gala""Write a sentence at the same time"In the program , I organized and guided Chinese and Burmese students to complete a couplet together. During the event, the students from the two places worked together and successfully completed the couplet writing, which further deepened the friendship between them. This event is of great significance to the friendly exchanges between China and Myanmar. I am very proud to contribute my modest contribution to the promotion of friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and Myanmar. It is hoped that China and Myanmar will continue to strengthen cultural exchanges and deepen " Pauk Phaw"Friendship.

Myanmar students from Luhu Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture

I have been very fond of Chinese culture and Chinese characters since I was a child. So I actively signed up for the "Dancing Together and " write the same sentence, my heart is full of joy and excitement. I believe that by carrying out such various forms of literary and artistic fellowship activities, young people from Myanmar and China will have a deeper understanding of each other's cultures, shorten the distance between each other, and facilitate people-to-people bonds. In the future, Myanmar-China relations will get closer and closer, Pauk PhawThe friendship will become deeper and deeper.

Nansan Village, Nansan Town, Zhenkang County, Lincang City, Sutaichang A group of villagers at the foot of Chashan

Our family has lived on the China-Myanmar border for generations. There are many relatives in Myanmar. When there are festivals, they invite Myanmar relatives to visit our village. They will also invite us to participate in their activities, singing and dancing together, and tasting delicious food. During the epidemic, we also helped and encouraged each other to fight the virus together. This time " Cloud Gala " span>, so that we can share the stories of friendly exchanges between China and Myanmar border people with more people. I wish the China-Myanmar friendship last forever.

David Wu Honorary President of Myanmar-China Friendship Association in Lashio City, Myanmar, President of Northern Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Lincang City and Lashio City have always maintained friendly exchanges and exchanges, and in In 2017, a letter of intent for sister cities was signed. Every year at the Border Trade Fair and the Asian Microfilm Art Festival, the Lashio National Art Delegation comes to Lincang to perform. During the epidemic, Lincang City also gave a lot of help and support to Lashio City, and I am sincerely grateful to our neighbors. Due to the epidemic, we have not seen each other for a long time. This online performance has opened up a new communication channel for us.

Wang Yong, Party Secretary of Wanding Town, Ruili City

Today's  " Cloud Gala" activity touched me a lot. I felt the demeanor of the young people of China and Myanmar with a piece of "Ashu Se", and a song of "No Love Between Mountains and Nights", which sang the long-standing pauk-phaw friendship between China and Myanmar. I work in Wanding, just across the river from Bangsai Town in Myanmar. Although Wanding is small, it has left a lot of diplomatic stories between the prime ministers of China and Myanmar, and recorded the glorious development of China-Myanmar border trade. It is a monument, engraved with affection and solemnity. We will use this event as a push to actively leverage the advantages of human ties, blood ties, and kinship, and use practical actions to make the flower of China-Myanmar friendship bloom more brilliantly.

Li Daniu, a villager in Maliping Village, Qibei County, Kachin State, Myanmar

I am from Maliping Village, Qibei County, Kachin State, Myanmar. I studied Chinese in Pianma Guomen Primary School when I was young. I like Chinese culture very much. When there was no epidemic, we would go to participate in cross-border cultural and artistic activities held in neighboring Chinese villages during Lisu Kuo every year; during the epidemic, China donated anti-epidemic materials and vaccinated us. When my friends and I learned that we were going to participate in this " Cloud Gala During the performance of the event, we were very excited, and everyone rehearsed carefully. Finally, our dance "The Great Unity of Lisu and Barcelona" was selected to participate in the event. We are very happy. Through the dance It is our wish to express our gratitude to China, and now our wish has come true! Although we are separated by mountains and rivers, our friendship will not be separated.

Li Juyan, head of Diantan Cultural Station, Baoshan City

We are actively preparing to participate in this " Cloud Gala combined with local characteristics, invited songwriters and mass dancers to compose and perform "Singing and Dancing with Banwa Diantan Deep Friendship", praising the happy life of local border residents and singing the everlasting friendship between China and Myanmar . As the song sings "Build friendly villages and towns, happiness will never end, we hope that China and Myanmar " PaukphawFriendships last forever.

Translation by Wu Sainu, Myanmar Kachin State Panwa Art Troupe

Panwa Town of Kachin State and Diantan Town of Baoshan City are connected by mountains and rivers, and the friendly exchanges between the two sides have a long history. This time " Cloud Gala" span>The event broke the restrictions of the epidemic, not only opened a new model of people-to-people exchanges between Myanmar and China, but also deepened mutual friendship. Through the activities, I also personally realized the cultural similarities between the two sides, which laid a good foundation for us to deepen cultural exchanges in the future. At the same time, I hope that the two sides can carry out friendly exchanges and cooperation at more levels and in wider fields.

Secretary of Longli Village, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yuernan

I watched the performance video of Manhui Village in Myanmar online and liked their wonderful performance. Before the epidemic, every grand festival, border residents on both sides would invite each other to sing and dance together. Today's " Cloud Gala" The span> activity made me feel the festive atmosphere of the past again, and I also sang along unknowingly in front of the video. I hope to take this event as an opportunity to hold more online communication activities for the border people of China and Myanmar.

Yankankang, Head of Manhui Village, Shan State, Myanmar

Our Manhui Village and Longli Village in Xishuangbanna Prefecture have fireworks and fireworks, and we hear each other. For a long time, the border people of our two sides have maintained close and friendly exchanges. This time " Cloud Gala" span>The event brought good news to the whole village: the Chinese Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries was fully funded to help Manhui Village build communal houses. All the villagers were very happy to hear this news. In our opinion, this is a true interpretation of the " Pauk Phaw Friendship.