【Bilingual】【Yunnan · There is a kind of friend called sister city】Yunnan Province and Siem Reap Province, Cambodia——a smile, the love between the two places grows


Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 2023-05-19 20:23 Published onYunnan

Since Yunnan Province and Siem Reap Province of Cambodia formally established the sister province relationship in April 2006, the two sides have had frequent high-level visits, frequent personnel exchanges, and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields has continued to deepen.Under the framework of the sister province relationship, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture and Siem Reap reached a consensus on establishing a sister city relationship in November 2021 and signed a letter of intent.

Since friendly relations was established in April 2006, exchanges and cooperation between Yunnan province and Siem Reap province in Cambodia have been deepened across various fields.

Within the framework of this friendly provincial relations, Dali Bai autonomous prefecture of Yunnan province and Siem Reap city, capital of Siem Reap province, reached a consensus on establishing friendship city relations in November 2021 and signed an intention letter to this effect.

Siem Reap Province——

Brief on Siem Reap province in Cambodia

"Soul of Cambodia" Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is praised as Soul of Cambodia.

Siem Reap Province, Cambodia is located in the northwest of Cambodia. The provincial capital Siem Reap is 311 kilometers away from the capital Phnom Penh and 152 kilometers away from the Thai border.It has an area of ​​10,299 square kilometers and a population of about 1 million.Siem Reap is a traditional land of fish and rice in Cambodia, rich in tourism resources, and one of the emerging tourist destinations in the world.Listed as a world cultural heritage and one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Angkor Wat is located in the northern suburbs of Siem Reap. It is a national historical and cultural relic in Cambodia and a holy place for Buddhism.

Siem Reap province is located in northwest Cambodia, with its capital Siem Reap city 311 km from the capital Phnom Penh and 152 km from the Thai border. Covering an area of 10,299 square kilometers, it has a population of approximately one million.

As the traditional granary of Cambodia, Siem Reap province has rich tourism resources, making it and an emerging tourist destination in the world. The world-famous Angkor Wat, listed as a world cultural heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is located in the northern suburbs of Siem Reap city. It is a national-level historical and cultural monument and a Buddhist holy site.

Yunnan Province——

Brief on Yunnan province in China

Kunming, capital city of Yunnan Province

Kunming city is the capital of Yunnan province.

Yunnan Province is located in Southwest China. It is the radiation center of China towards South Asia and Southeast Asia. It is located at the junction of China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. It has been selected as a national free trade pilot zone. It is an important part of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and a popular tourist destination in the country. A large province of land and culture and tourism, known as the "Kingdom of Animals and Plants" and "Kingdom of Non-ferrous Metals", it has a long history and culture, and beautiful natural scenery. It is one of the important birthplaces of human civilization.

Located in southwest China, Yunnan is the Chinese pivot of opening up to south and southeast Asia. Standing at the trijunction of China, Southeast Asia and South Asia, the province has been selected as a national pilot free trade zone and it is an important part of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

With a high degree of cultural diversity, Yunnan is a world-popular tourist destination, known as the kingdom of animals, plants and non-ferrous metals. Witnessing a long history, it’s a major cradle of human civilizations.

"Who are you? What's your name? How old are you? Why are you laughing?"

"Whoare you?

What's yourname?

Howoldare you?

Whyare yousmiling?"

With the childish voice and the four-faced Buddha asking a series of questions, the classic repertoire of the Angkor Wat tourism night in Siem Reap, Cambodia"Angkor's Smile"It's time to start.

With the voice of a kid questioning to the Four-Faced Buddha, the classic performance"Smile of Angkor" begins at a nighttime tourist event in Siem Reap's Angkor Wat.

On the splendid stage, the soldiers line up to buildAngkor Dynasty.The ingenious combination of sound, light and stage art technology extends the relief story.The actors rolled and leaped, changing their shapes, leading the audience to find the source of their smiles.

The show begins with soldiers of theAngkor Dynasty (802-1431)standing in lines. Sound, light, and shadows are telling the story of the statues. Performers somersault and leap, with their hands forming various shapes. Seeing the interesting beginning, audience are eager to find out what lies behind the smile.

Wang Zhizhen, a dancer from Yunnan, undertook the difficult part of the traditional acrobatic rolling lantern performance. Every time she performed, she won applause and applause.At the same time, every time she acts, she is full of emotion: "This is "The Smile of Angkor", which is also the friendship between Yunnan, China and Siem Reap, Cambodia. Dream and move forward hand in hand.”

Yunnan dancer Wang Zhizhen undertakes the challenging segment of traditional acrobatics, and receives applause for each performance. Every time she performs, she is filled with excitement.

"The Smile of Angkor also represents the friendship between Yunnan and Siem Reap. In this big family of actors and performers from both countries, we work together towards the same dream of development," said Wang.

With the opening of direct flights between Kunming and Siem Reap, the capital of Siem Reap Province, the China-Yunnan-Siem Reap Angkor Wat tourist route ushered in broad prospects.In this context, Siem Reap Province hopes to create a majestic and magnificent performance that can truly reflect the essence of its culture by promoting the glorious ancient civilization of Angkor.

With the opening of a direct flight between Kunming and Siem Reap city, the tourism route from China’s Yunnan to Siem Reap's Angkor Wat is embracing a bright future. Siem Reap province hopes to create a magnificent show that can reflect its cultural essence by promoting the ancient civilization of Angkor.

In 2010, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of China (now the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China) and the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Cambodia, the large-scale cultural tourism resident performance "Angkor's Smile" invested by OCT Yunnan Cultural Investment Group was launched.So far, the show has been residing in Siem Reap ProvinceMore than 1000 games, reception from the worldMore than 60 countriesofMore than 700,000audience.

With the support of Ministry of Culture of China (now the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China) and the Cambodian Ministry of Culture and Art, the large-scale cultural and tourism performance "The Smile of Angkor" premiered in 2010, with investment from the OCT Yunnan Cultural Industry Investment Group. Up to now, the performance has been staged more than1,000 timesin Siem Reap province, attracting over700,000 audiencefrom more than60 countriesworldwide.

Large-scale cultural tourism resident performance "Angkor's Smile"

The large-scale cultural and tourism performance "Smile of Angkor"

The performance was jointly created and edited by Chinese and Cambodian artists, and it has become a cultural business card for tourists from all over the world to know Cambodia, and its sales value has reached millions of dollars."The Smile of Angkor" "tells Cambodian stories with Chinese creativity" has gradually become a cultural product that both China and Cambodia are proud of.

Jointly created by Chinese and Cambodian artists, the performance becomes a cultural emblem for tourists from around the world to learn about Cambodia and generates millions of dollars in sales revenue. The Smile of Angkor is now a typical masterpiece of telling story of Cambodia with Chinese creativity. Both China and Cambodia feel proud of it.

Large-scale cultural tourism resident performance "Angkor's Smile"

The large-scale cultural and tourism performance "Smile of Angkor"

Since the establishment of sister province relations, Yunnan Province and Siem Reap Province have had close exchanges.Agriculture, culture, tourism, education, medical care, people's livelihoodPragmatic exchanges and cooperation have been carried out in other fields.The two sides jointly built a Friendship Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park to solve the problem of rice planting for the local area; promoted friendly exchanges between sister cities - China-Cambodia Senior Tourism Talents Seminar, injected new vitality into the cultivation of tourism talents; Yunnan Province completed hundreds of cataract operations in the Cambodian Friendship Hospital , to bring light to patients;"Heart Connected to Yunnan"The project "Small and Beautiful" benefiting the people provides convenience for Cambodian people to use water and electricity through drinking water and energy-saving street lamp projects.

Since the establishment of friendship city relations, Yunnan and Siem Reap have maintained close exchanges and cooperation inagriculture, culture, tourism, education, healthcare, and people's livelihood.

The Friendly Agro-Technology Park was jointly built to solve rice-growing problems in the local area. The Sino-Cambodian Tourism Talents Seminar was held to inject new vitality into tourism talent development.

Yunnan doctors has performed over a hundred free cataract surgeries in the friendly hospital in Cambodia. And through the"Yunnan Hand in Hand Program", Yunnan has implemented people-oriented projects, providing Cambodians with drinking water and energy-saving streetlights.