The 2021 Agricultural Technology Training Project in Siem Reap, Cambodia was launched online

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Inspector Cheng Yunchuan said that the Lancang-Mekong River closely connects Yunnan and Cambodia. In addition, the sister province relationship between Yunnan Province and Siem Reap Province has made the two provinces even closer. Over the years, the two provinces have carried out exchanges and cooperation in various forms in the fields of economy, trade, agriculture, investment, tourism, education, culture, and health, and achieved good results, bringing benefits to the people of the two places. Yunnan Province is willing to share advanced technologies and concepts in the agricultural field with Siem Reap Province, promote the progress of agricultural science and technology of both sides, and promote the common development of agriculture of both sides. This agricultural technology training is another specific measure of "friendship, cooperation, and win-win" between the two provinces, and it has added a lot of color to the friendly relationship between the two provinces. It is hoped that personnel from both sides will fully exchange new technologies and methods and share new experience during the training process, so as to contribute to the increase of crop production and income in the two provinces.

Speech by Cheng Yunchuan, first-level inspector of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Yunnan Provincial People's Government
Siem Reap Di Komsos, Director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, said that Siem Reap Province and Yunnan Province established a sister province relationship in 2006, and the "Siem Reap-Yunnan Agricultural Friendship Demonstration Park Project" jointly implemented by the two provinces carried out rice and corn planting experiments. Full exchange of technical experience. This training course will promote the agricultural technology of Siem Reap Province to a new level, help Siem Reap Province to consolidate and increase food production, expand food exports, and help people improve their lives. It is hoped that the two provinces will further strengthen agricultural technology exchanges and cooperation on the basis of the "Siem Reap-Yunnan Agricultural Friendship Demonstration Park Project", send agricultural technicians to each other to study and exchange, and discuss the construction of soil and plant disease laboratories.

▲Speech by Di Komsos, Minister of Agriculture of Siem Reap Province
Liu Zhijie, director of the Chinese Consular Office in Siem Reap, said that China and Cambodia are "die-hard friends" who help each other and share weal and woe. Yunnan Province and Siem Reap Province have also established a relationship for many years Sister province relations. Over the years, the two provinces have carried out many fruitful and friendly exchanges and established a good and close cooperative relationship with each other. Siem Reap is a world-renowned international tourist city and the location of the famous world cultural heritage - Angkor Wat. At the same time, Siem Reap is also a large agricultural province in Cambodia. This training includes high-yield rice cultivation technology, tropical fruit cultivation technology, and tropical vegetable cultivation technology training. It is a targeted and practical agricultural technology training program. It is believed that through this training, it will definitely play a positive role in effectively helping to improve the level of local agricultural technology. The Consular Office in Siem Reap is willing to continue to play the role of a bridge to promote the practical exchanges and cooperation between the two provinces under the framework of the sister province relationship to make new progress.

▲Speech by Liu Zhijie, Director of the Chinese Consular Office in Siem Reap
Ye Weiluo, Consul General of Cambodia in Kunming, thanked the Chinese Central Government and the Yunnan Provincial Government for their support and assistance in fighting the epidemic in Cambodia, and expressed his gratitude to the Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for its support to Siamese Cambodia in 2018. Thank you for the tourism, agricultural technology and other talent training programs provided by Reap Province and Banteay Meanchey Province, as well as the upcoming donation of 400,000 yuan of anti-epidemic materials to Siem Reap Province. Ye Weiluo said that in recent years, under the attention of Prince Sihanouk, Prime Minister Hun Sen and President Xi Jinping, the friendly relations between the two countries have continued to develop. In today's international community, only the Chinese government and the Chinese people are willing to provide free assistance to the Cambodian people. There is an old saying in Cambodia that "drink water and think of the source". I hope that the people of Siem Reap will bear in mind the friendship of the people of Yunnan. It is believed that the holding of this training course will help Siem Reap Province improve its agricultural technology and increase production and income. It is hoped that the trainees will seize the learning opportunity to effectively improve their technical level and work ability. At present, the Consulate General is actively committed to promoting exchanges and cooperation between Yunnan Province and Cambodia in the fields of agriculture, tourism, culture, logistics and electronic technology. The cooperation between Yunnan and Siem Reap in the fields of logistics and electronic technology has great potential. The Consulate General Willing to provide more assistance for the friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two provinces.

Cambodian Consul General in KunmingMing Consul General Ye Speech by Wei Luo
Cui Jinfu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yunnan Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, introduced that the training includes rice breeding technology, rice High-yield cultivation technology, tropical fruit cultivation technology, and tropical vegetable cultivation technology have four special topics. Online training is conducted in the form of recording and broadcasting. The recording and broadcasting courses are narrated by Yunnan experts in Chinese. The content of the courseware is presented in both Chinese and Cambodian languages. The text is synchronized with the subtitles. During the training period, students can log in to their APP personal accounts through mobile phones and computers to realize online learning, without being limited by time and place, and students can make reasonable arrangements for learning according to their own actual conditions. He believes that through this exchange and study, the cooperation and exchanges between Yunnan Province and Siem Reap Province in agriculture and other fields will be further strengthened.

▲Speech by Cui Jinfu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yunnan Agricultural Vocational and Technical College
Deng Xiaoli, director of the Foreign Economic Cooperation Division of the Provincial Department of Commerce, said that in 2021, five provincial-level foreign aid projects will be implemented in Cambodia, among which Siem Reap Province is the first in our province's investment and cooperation in Cambodia. The big destination is also a key area for the implementation of foreign aid projects in Yunnan Province. A total of 2 provincial aid projects have been implemented here this year. Plateau characteristic agriculture is one of the advantageous industries in Yunnan Province. Our province has both advanced technologies and a broad market in high-yield rice cultivation, tropical fruit cultivation, and tropical vegetable cultivation. This training brought together experts and professors of agricultural science and technology from Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yunnan Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, etc. It is believed that it will surely bring a wealth of knowledge to colleagues in the agricultural science and technology industry in Siem Reap Province and all students, and share Yunnan's characteristic agriculture in the plateau achievements and experiences. The epidemic not only affects the dialogue and exchanges between people, but also has a great impact on the economic development and people's livelihood of countries around the world. It is a rare opportunity and experience to participate in learning exchanges and share agricultural development technologies through cloud gatherings . In such a difficult time, learning advanced agricultural technology, promoting agricultural production and increasing farmers' income has a more important role and significance. I hope that the students will seize the opportunity to study hard and gain something.

▲Speech by Deng Xiaoli, Director of Foreign Economic Cooperation Department of Provincial Department of Commerce

< span style="font-size:16px;color:#3F3F3F;">Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries launched the 2021 Agricultural Technology Training Project in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia, aiming to enhance agricultural cooperation between the two provinces and help upgrade agricultural technicians in Siem Reap Province Rice breeding, high-yield rice cultivation, tropical fruit cultivation, tropical vegetable cultivation technology level, improve crop yield and quality, tropical fruit planting technology, bring benefits to local people; further deepen the relationship between Yunnan Province and Siem Reap Province, enrich the two provinces The connotation of pragmatic cooperation between the two provinces will promote the sustainable and healthy development of friendly relations between the two provinces, continuously consolidate the foundation of China-Cambodia friendly public opinion, and create a better surrounding environment for the implementation of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the construction of our province as a "radiation center" for Southeast Asia and South Asia.

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Photos from the video meeting