The Flower of Pauk Phaw Friendship Blooms Brilliantly


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  I live in Jiangzhitou, and you live in Jiangzhiwei. Love each other infinitely, drink a river together.

  The exchanges between Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture and Myanmar have been deepening and getting closer in recent years. In order to promote exchanges and cooperation between China and Myanmar in trade, investment, agriculture, tourism, science and technology, culture, transportation, etc., since 2013, Dehong Prefecture has successively registered and established Mandalay, Nay Pyi Taw, Myitkyina, 6 commercial representative offices in Lashio, Bhamo and Yangon. These commercial representative offices have become an important platform for Dehong to communicate with Myanmar, and it is one of the main experiences that can be replicated and promoted in the construction of Ruili National Key Development and Opening Experimental Zone.

  Civilization exchanges and mutual learning, the flower of friendship always blooms. In the early winter, the reporter went to Mandalay, Nay Pyi Taw, and Yangon business representative offices of Myanmar for on-the-spot interviews, and deeply felt that the six flowers of friendship blooming on the land of Myanmar are blooming more and more brilliantly.

  Carry out a series of activities establish a good image

 &emsp ;Although it has entered early winter, the temperature in Myanmar is still as high as 30 degrees Celsius. Walking into the commercial representative office in Mandalay, you will be greeted by the spacious and bright Pauk Phaw Publishing House, which houses all kinds of books. There are Chinese, Burmese, Dai, Jingpo, etc., and there are categories of politics, economy, agriculture, geography, medicine, social sciences, etc., as well as the latest newspapers such as "Golden Phoenix News" and "Paukphaw News". "There are more than 20,000 volumes of books, which are very popular among Myanmar friends and overseas Chinese." Long Delian, a staff member of the Commercial Representative Office in Mandalay, said.

  "In Mandalay, we launched Yijiang News Network, which has everything you need in terms of culture, technology, trade show, price, market supply and demand information, etc. Now pay attention The number of people has reached more than 21,600." Long Delian held out a thick stack of bound books and said that they would post the activities they organized and the information they learned on the Internet through pictures and texts, and at the same time This information is bound together in a volume.

  "The Commercial Representative Office in Mandalay is the earliest commercial representative office in Dehong Prefecture in Myanmar. It was legally registered and established in 2013. There are 85 people who have come to Myanmar to work for half a year or more." Li Qigui, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Dehong Prefecture and director of the Commercial Representative Office of the Dehong Prefecture Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, said that the Commercial Representative Office in Myanmar has people from business, foreign affairs, and technology in Dehong Prefecture. , agriculture, etc., as well as public officials in various counties and cities, have trained a large number of cadres for Dehong who are familiar with Myanmar conditions, master the Myanmar language, and have made Myanmar friends, laying a solid foundation for further exchanges and exchanges between Dehong and Myanmar.

  "Familiar with things and easy to handle. Obtaining information, making connections, and helping to implement them are all the work of the commercial representative office." Li Qigui said, Dehong has held several sessions of "One Horse Running Two Countries" in a row, which is rare in the country. Tens of thousands of people ran from China to Myanmar and back to China. This requires coordination and connection in all aspects, and requires the deep relationship between Myanmar and Dehong as a foundation.

  Introduced by Yin Kerui, Chief of the Comprehensive Section of the Dehong Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, the China-Myanmar Cross-border Economic Cooperation Forum, China International activities such as the Myanmar Think Tank Forum, the Yunnan-Myanmar Forum, the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Health and Epidemic Prevention Cooperation Forum, the China-Myanmar Joint Committee (director-level) talks, and the Trans-Himalayan Forum are inseparable from the preparatory services such as docking, coordination, and translation in Myanmar Commercial Representative Office.

  "Invite business through business, promote exchanges and cooperation in various fields such as economy, trade, culture, etc., and fully serve the smooth progress of Dehong's Myanmar-related projects." Yin Kerui According to the introduction, the Commercial Representative Office in Myanmar invited more than 40 batches of more than 500 people from the Myanmar Mandalay Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Mandalay Agricultural and Sideline Products Association, the North Myanmar Journalists Association, writers' groups, and the Dehong Lianghe Overseas Chinese Delegation in Myanmar to my country for investigation and exchange; Promote the establishment of friendship cities between Ruili City and Muse City, Shan State, Myanmar, and promote the establishment of sister city relations between Lianghe County and Waimo County, Kachin State, Myanmar, Ruili City and Kyaukpyu City, Rakhine State, Myanmar, and assist these counties and cities We have visited Waimo County, Kachin State, Myanmar, and Kyaukpyu City, Rakhine State many times to communicate with each other, and strive to achieve a substantive breakthrough within this year.

  "Donate a medical equipment cabinet worth 10 million kyats to the Nay Pyi Taw health department, donate 1,000 kyats worth to the Nay Pyi Taw education department 10,000 kyats of teaching equipment, donated 1 million kyats to the Burmese Chinese School in Nay Pyi Taw, donated 5 million kyats to the charity foundation established by the daughter of former Myanmar Prime Minister U Nu, and donated 5 million kyats to the mango festival held by the Mango Mango Association in Mandalay Donate $3,000 each day..." Li Qigui said that in the past 6 years, in the important nodes, key areas and key groups of China-Myanmar cooperation projects, a series of people's livelihood and people's hearts activities have been carried out, such as aiding poor students, aiding disaster areas, industrial development, Chinese language promotion, and vocational education. Amounting to more than 2 million yuan, it has established a good image of the commercial representative office in Myanmar.

  Expand the circle of friends Increase popularity

   Bathed in the warm winter sun, the reporter walked into Nay Pyi Taw, the capital of Myanmar. The streets are wide, tree-lined, clean and tidy. It is the national festival in Myanmar, and the area around the golden pagoda in the urban area is very lively, and people from all over the world are praying here.

  "Myanmar people are hospitable and hospitable, with rich resources and beautiful scenery." Director of the Commercial Representative Office of Dehong Prefecture Chamber of Commerce in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar Yin Yipeng introduced that since the establishment of the Nay Pyi Taw Commercial Representative Office on February 6, 2017, it has established good relations with various ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Construction, and the Ministry of Culture and Religion.

  "Cooperation, communication, and docking, expand Dehong's circle of friends, and increase Dehong's popularity." Yin Yipeng said, inviting and accompanying Du Dandan throughout the process Nu, Dunay Barry and Burmese celebrity Nini Tsin Sok went to Dehong and Beijing to participate in the "Charming Chinatown Competition", invited the Vice Minister of Commerce to lead Myanmar's relevant departments to visit Dehong, and invited the Myanmar-China Exchange and Cooperation Association to Dehong Macro inspection, invited the former Minister of Sports of Myanmar, two former ambassadors to China and some Chinese and Myanmar entrepreneurs to visit Dehong, invited the chief executive of Kyaukpyu District, Rakhine State, Myanmar to visit Dehong, and organized a team of 82 people from Myanmar to China to participate In the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the Ministry of Health of Myanmar was invited to organize a delegation to inspect the health field in Dehong Prefecture...

  "Actively implement policy communication, road connectivity, trade Unimpeded, currency circulation, and people-to-people bonds. Strive to achieve a regional cooperation pattern from point to area, from line to area." Yin Yipeng said that the commercial representative office actively publicized the new achievements of Dehong Prefecture's economic construction and social development, publicized investment promotion policies and Ruili State focuses on the development and opening of the pilot zone and the preferential policies of the free trade pilot zone, publicizes Dehong's rich resources, beautiful environment, and good development momentum, etc., deepens the understanding of Dehong by Burmese businessmen and enterprises, and promotes exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.

  Yin Yipeng introduced that the commercial representative office organized forces to translate the "Opinions of the State Council on Supporting the Development and Opening of Key Border Areas" "China 18 Chinese policies and regulations, including the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China, Approval of Restricted Import and Export Quotas, Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Application Regulations, Guiding Opinions on the Construction of Demonstration Zones for the Protection of Ecological Origin Products, etc., were published in separate issues in the Myanmar Business Internal Magazine , which played a positive role in helping Myanmar government officials learn more about Dehong policies.

  From November 4th to 8th, the 11th ASEAN Rural Development and Poverty Eradication Ministers and Series Meetings were held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar held. Representatives from the 10 ASEAN countries, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and other international organizations gave their thumbs up after visiting the village of Aichangda, a demonstration cooperation project for poverty reduction between China and Myanmar.

  "With the preliminary preparation of the Nay Pyi Taw Commercial Representative Office, the China-Myanmar Poverty Reduction Demonstration Cooperation Project is progressing very smoothly." Yunnan Provincial International According to Yin Zhenxiang, the first batch of resident experts of the Poverty Alleviation and Development Center, the China-Myanmar poverty reduction demonstration cooperation project is provided by the Chinese government with about 33.33 million yuan in free assistance funds. Bin Village and Aiqiangda Village of Dagon Town implement rural infrastructure, rural public services, improvement of farmers' livelihood, capacity building and project management to improve people's livelihood.

  Strengthen exchanges promote interconnection

 &emsp ;The Pauk Phaw Publishing House in Yangon was established, received the Dehong State Association of Social Sciences, the Institute of China-Myanmar Relations, and the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation to participate in the "Centennial Celebration International Expo" held by the Federation of Myanmar Federation of Industry and Commerce, and to host Yunnan and Myanmar calligraphy and painting artist exchange exhibition, etc. At the Commercial Representative Office in Yangon, Myanmar, Wang Jinyu, a staff member, introduced that the Yangon Office has been established for less than a year, but its influence is constantly rising, and it has become an important communication bridge and link for China-Myanmar friendship. "These days I am busy participating in the China-Myanmar Friendship Youth Cooking Skills Training in Yangon, and participating in the promotion activities of the China-Myanmar Exchange and Cooperation Association."

 &emsp ;"Myanmar Myitkyina Chamber of Commerce is invited to visit Dehong and jointly organize sericulture technology training in Myitkyina, Myanmar." The two circles have established a good relationship and built a large platform for joint consultation, joint construction and sharing.

  "Vigorously promote the opening of the Mangshi-Mandalay direct flight, which facilitates the opening of the Dehong-Yangon direct flight, pulling The distance between Myanmar and Dehong has been shortened." Li Qigui, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Dehong Prefecture, said that on January 31 this year, Dehong opened a flight from Mangshi to Mandalay, and on October 27 it opened a flight from Mangshi to Mandalay. The route to Yangon has formed a pattern of flights to Myanmar every day, and Mangshi has become the fourth air port in Yunnan.

  Ruili Airlines relevant person in charge Zhang Fei said: "Ruili Airlines has opened services to Sihanoukville Port in Cambodia, Haiphong in Vietnam, and Chiang Mai in Thailand. , Chiang Rai, Myanmar Yangon, and Mandalay routes, the passenger load factor is gradually increasing."

  "China-Myanmar Muse— The preliminary survey work of the Mandalay Railway is also progressing smoothly." Li Qigui said that through active coordination with the local garrison, government, associations, enterprises and civil celebrities, the current preliminary survey design has been completed, and the China Railway No. 2 Institute has submitted the design plan to Myanmar square. In addition, the China-Myanmar 500 kV power grid project, the China-Myanmar Railway, the Mandalay-Muse Highway, the Kyaukpyu-Nay Pyi Taw Highway, and the Zhangfeng-Bhamo Highway construction projects have been followed up with relevant enterprises and embassies Understand and assist China and Myanmar to hold talks and meetings on accelerating the construction of these projects.

  Since the establishment of the Commercial Representative Office of Dehong Prefecture Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, it has conscientiously implemented the diplomatic concept of "amity, sincerity, benefit and tolerance". Based on the reality of Myanmar, build a harmonious neighborhood, vigorously carry out local diplomacy, and actively undertake various tasks arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, embassies and consulates in Myanmar, relevant ministries, provincial government and relevant departments and bureaus, and are well received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provincial and state levels fully affirmed by the government.