Eating fried yams, foreign students live the "most Yunnan" study abroad life


For Lao student Tang Xionghua, studying in China is not only to complete his studies, There is also the pursuit of the Chinese blood in the bones. This year is Tang Xionghua’s third year studying abroad at Yunnan Normal University. He majored in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages here and aspires to be a bridge of friendship between China and Laos.

Experience Chinese culture in "Three Ways of Tea"

Before coming to China, Tang Xionghua didn't know much about China. "I only know that China is a big country with a developed economy and a large population, but I know very little about it." The three-year study abroad experience in China has given Tang Xionghua a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

In addition to studying, Tang Xionghua often visits Famous historical sites in China, while looking at the scenery, you can also increase your knowledge and understand Chinese culture. "In some tourist attractions, I can often feel some traces of history, including local folk culture, etc. It is a different scenery from Laos, which is very novel and shocking to me."

When Tang Xionghua talked about his trip to Dali, he specifically mentioned the Bai nationality The traditional performance "Three Courses of Tea", "My friends and I drank bitter tea, sweet tea, and aftertaste tea successively. I was particularly impressed by these three courses of tea, because it reflected the truth that life is first bitter, then sweet, and then aftertaste .”

"Studying in China is a This is a great life experience. In addition to learning knowledge, it also broadened my horizons and saw some things that I hadn’t seen before, which changed my views on some things before. This learning experience allowed me to grow, and my thinking also changed. More mature." Tang Xionghua said.

Studying abroad is also a journey of cultural roots

Tang Xionghua is not born and bred Laotian, he is the third generation Chinese born in Laos. Tang Xionghua’s grandparents lived in Simao, Yunnan, a place called Jiangcheng on the border with Laos and Myanmar. Later, the family moved to Laos and never went back. Grandpa and grandma would often talk about Jiangcheng to him, but those were just vague memories that stayed in the sighs of the old people, and Tang Xionghua didn't have a deep understanding of it.

Later, a school organized in Laos During the summer camp, Tang Xionghua returned to Jiangcheng, where his ancestral home was, for the first time. "Everything is strange." Tang Xionghua fulfilled a wish when he saw the place where his grandparents often chanted.

Although he is far away from home, Tang Xionghua's Parents did not give up on letting him learn Chinese. When he was 12 years old, his parents sent him to a Chinese language teacher's training class from Pu'er to learn Chinese. At that time, after school every day, Tang Xionghua went to the training class to take a two-hour Chinese class, from 6:00 to 8:00 in the evening. "At that time, I was very interested in Chinese and learned a lot about Chinese culture."

Later, due to family financial reasons, Tang Xionghua stopped studying Chinese in his second year of high school, and he did not start learning Chinese again until he came to Yunnan Normal University. Tang Xionghua's Chinese is excellent, and he can read, write, and speak easily, which also makes his study abroad life without obstacles. His proficient Chinese ability also allows him to understand Chinese culture in depth.

My Dream

Become a translator to help China-Laos cooperation

In school, Tang Xionghua is keen to participate in various extracurricular activities. "Chinese speech contests, Southeast Asian cultural festivals, food festivals, friendship games, etc., as long as I have time, I will participate. During this process, I have met many friends and learned a lot of Chinese cultural knowledge." Tang Xionghua loves playing basketball, He can often be seen shuttling around the court. He also met a group of like-minded friends in various activities, which gave him a greater sense of belonging in China.

When it comes to the future, he is very calm. "I want to be a translator. Every time I do a translation, I can learn new knowledge, and it is challenging. Every time I complete a translation, I will feel a sense of accomplishment."

In his spare time life, Tang Xionghua has already started to work in some translations, and enterprise translations account for the majority, followed by Help some people who travel to Laos. Tang Xionghua was very excited to achieve cooperation between the companies of the two countries through his own efforts. He hoped to help more companies from the two countries in the future and contribute to the cooperation between China and Laos.

With the "Belt and Road" initiative It is pointed out that the economic and trade exchanges between China and Southeast Asian countries are becoming more and more frequent, and the number of people traveling between China and Laos is also increasing. In this context, Chinese-Lao translation is even more valuable, and Tang Xionghua will continue on the road of translation.


Eating Yunnan fried potatoes

Be a financial professional student span>

When he was 6 years old, the Cambodian boy Jiang Lige met with China has origins. "When I was 6 years old, I went to an overseas Chinese school in Cambodia to learn Chinese, and I have been in contact with China since then." Jiang Lige learned Chinese earlier and for a longer time. His Chinese is very fluent and his accent is pure. If you only listen to the sound, you It was absolutely impossible to guess that he was a foreigner.

Now he is studying finance at Yunnan Normal University , is a senior student. Although his Chinese is already very good, Jiang Lige is still keen on learning Chinese. He has obtained the highest level 6 certificate of Chinese proficiency, and has served as the host of the school’s Chinese Bridge Competition for two consecutive years.

Before coming to China, Jiang Lige mainly learned about China by watching Chinese TV programs and media . "I know that the things on TV are not three-dimensional, and there are deviations from the real China." So after coming to China, Jiang Lige worked hard to meet new friends, wandered on the vast land of China, and used his eyes and steps to experience the most real China. In the past two years, Jiang Lige has traveled to many cities in China. He has experienced the strong cultural atmosphere of Beijing and the international fashion of Shanghai, but he still loves Yunnan, which is rich in ethnic customs. What impressed Jiang Lige the most was the performance of "Impression Lijiang" in Lijiang, which was jointly completed by 26 ethnic groups.

Living in Yunnan for two years, Jiang Li Brother has fully adapted to life in Yunnan. "Yunnan is a very unique place, and there are many special snacks. I especially like fried potato, which is a taste I have never eaten in Cambodia."

While experiencing China, Jiang Lige is also spreading Cambodian culture to the people around him. When there is no class, Jiang Lige will work part-time as a Cambodian foreign language teacher. In order to let students know more about Cambodia, he often forwards news about Cambodia in his circle of friends.

In school, Jiang Lige joined the Cambodian International Students Association. In April every year, we will participate in the Cambodian New Year activities. During the event, students from various countries came together, sang and danced, and played traditional Cambodian games together. "The holding of these activities has allowed more people to know Cambodia." Jiang Lige told reporters.

My Dream

Create a world in the financial field

Jiang Lige has always been very interested in finance Interested, in his opinion, there is still a gap between Cambodia's financial market and China's. "Strictly speaking, Cambodia's financial industry only started in 2012." In order to learn more professional financial knowledge, Jiang Lige chose to go to China, where the financial industry is developing rapidly.

"I know if you want to learn The best finance should go to developed cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. There are more and better financial institutions there. But when I came to China for the first time, I saw Yunshi University, and I believe we are destined. "In school, Jiang Lige often soaked in the library to read financial professional books, earnest and hard work so that he maintained the first place in the financial major. He hopes to improve his ability and enrich his experience through studying in China.

Talking about dreams, Jiang Lige mentioned "Stock God" Warren Buffett. "His investment methods are admired by people all over the world. I think I may not be able to influence the whole world like him, but I hope that my small ability can influence people around me and let them master the correct investment method "

For the future, Jiang Lige also has own plan. "I hope to continue to study in China, learn more knowledge, and make a career in the financial field. Only by studying and living with Chinese people can I better understand the thinking of modern Chinese people today."