Pauk Phaw love and friendship last forever——Yunnan People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries donated anti-epidemic materials to Yangon Province, Myanmar


2021On 12month 30 of the year, the Yunnan Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries sent to Yangon Province, Myanmar The handover ceremony of donated anti-epidemic materials was held in the form of "online+offline". Hao Kun, Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province, and U Da Aung, Consul General of Myanmar in Kunming, attended the ceremony in Kunming. U Aung Wynden, Minister of Social Affairs of the Yangon Provincial Government, and Li Xiaoyan, Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar, attended the ceremony “online” in Yangon During the ceremony, Consul General U Da Aung received the supplies on behalf of Yangon Province.

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Deputy Director Hao Kun submitted the list of materials to Consul General U Daon

Hao Kun said that since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in the world, China and Myanmar have joined hands to fight the epidemic and overcome difficulties together. As a province bordering China and northern Myanmar, Yunnan Province and Myanmar have carried out all-round and all-level anti-epidemic cooperation. Donated 1 mobile medical vehicle and 1 ventilator to Yangon Province in November in 2020 Basically, the Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries once again raised funds and donated anti-epidemic materials worth 68 RMB. It is hoped that these materials will bring the support and condolences of the people of Yunnan to the people of Yangon and help Yangon Province Anti-epidemic. The global ravages of the new crown pneumonia epidemic have made people more aware of the importance of the "community of shared future for mankind". Only through solidarity and cooperation can we finally overcome the epidemic. It is believed that Myanmar will overcome the epidemic, the friendly cooperation between China and Myanmar will be further developed, and the practical cooperation between Yunnan Province and Yangon Province will surely be further improved.

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Speech by Deputy Director Hao Kun

U Aung Wynden said that China and Myanmar have been friendly for generations. Whenever Myanmar encounters difficulties, China always provides help as a friendly neighbor . At the beginning of Myanmar's discovery of the new crown epidemic, in response to the 1, 2, 3 wave of epidemics and vaccination work, China gave Myanmar The most important support is the donation of anti-epidemic materials many times. The oxygen concentrator, oximeter, ECG monitor, and ventilator donated by Yunnan Province this time are very important medical devices in the treatment of new coronary pneumonia and will save the lives of many patients. The Yangon Provincial Government is grateful for this and will definitely distribute these materials to hospitals in need, so that the materials can play their best role.

Speech by Minister U Aung Wyndham

Li Xiaoyan said that since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, China and Myanmar have helped each other and continued to carry out anti-epidemic cooperation, reflecting the profound Paukphaw friendship and sharing weal and woe The spirit of a community of shared future. Yunnan Province is at the forefront of China-Myanmar anti-epidemic cooperation. It has dispatched anti-epidemic medical expert teams to Myanmar, provided anti-epidemic materials and vaccines, opened special passages at border ports, ensured the import of liquid oxygen that Myanmar urgently needs, and built a "lifeline" for anti-epidemic ". At present, the new crown pneumonia epidemic is still spreading globally. China and Myanmar have a common mission in preventing and controlling the epidemic and promoting regional economic and social development. The Chinese embassy in Myanmar spoke highly of the great work done by the Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries in promoting China-Myanmar non-governmental friendship, and will continue to coordinate and cooperate with relevant departments and localities of China and Myanmar to further carry out anti-epidemic cooperation. It is believed that with the joint efforts of both sides, the two countries will set a new example of anti-epidemic cooperation and write a new chapter of Pauk-Phaw friendship.

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Speech by Minister Counselor Li Xiaoyan (right)

U Da Aung expressed his gratitude to China for its continuous support and assistance to Myanmar in fighting the epidemic since the outbreak. Sinopharm China Biotech and the Ministry of Industry of Myanmar signed an agreement on the supply of semi-finished products of China's new crown vaccine on 1222, which is an important milestone in China-Myanmar anti-epidemic cooperation. We would like to thank Yunnan Province for assisting Myanmar with a large amount of medicines and supplies for COVID-19 medical relief during the cooperation with Myanmar in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic. In November, the Yunnan-Myanmar epidemic prevention work video exchange will enable the two sides to take effective joint prevention and control measures, promote the systematic advancement of the China-Myanmar border epidemic control system, and the ports can be reopened in an orderly manner. The Yunnan Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries once again donated anti-epidemic materials to Yangon Province, which will provide strong help for Yangon's fight against the epidemic.

Speech by Consul General U Da Ang

Yunnan Friendship Association with Foreign Countries has been committed to the cause of China-Myanmar friendship for a long time. Guangxi and other provinces and cities have carried out anti-epidemic efforts to actively promote people-to-people bonds between the two countries. 2020In January, Yunnan Province and Yangon Province signed a memorandum of understanding on the establishment of sister province relations, which further deepened the friendship between the two provinces and established a new foundation for the practical exchanges and cooperation between the two provinces platform. Relying on the relationship between sister provinces, the multi-field friendly exchanges and cooperation between Yunnan Province and Yangon Province will continue to develop in depth and achieve greater practical results.


▲Donated material loading truck